Friday, January 17, 2025

United Kingdom of New Israel Maps updated 17,025 GMT +2 DLS GMT +3

The 1648 BCE Map of Old Israel was deposited with the UNSC in February 2024 after the map of the United Kingdom of New Israel. The realms international organization has further expanded the map legally within the confines of international law.

Map and Bantu Asher Tribe State and Monarch Boundaries to be Submitted at the UNSC

1. U.K.N.I Archive 1:/April/11/2023: United Nations General Assembly Application w/ Security Council Application Recommendation

2.U.K.N.I.Archive 2:/April/11/2023: United Kingdom of New Israel Charter of the Commonwealth of Israel.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Extra Decrees Activated Together with the Decree on Obstruction, the decree on Intrusion, the extra decree on the freeze, the decrees on the bionic eye, the decrees on and the decree on Shadow people and all the Sovereign Decrees on loop in the present, in the 3rd dimension 5th density and all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel, 17,025

 1.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on border police, the decrees on citizenship, the decree on immigration, the decree on vandalism, the decree on geodata, the decree on border police, the decree on defunct countries, the decree on Treaty of Westphalia, the decree on auctioning, the decrees on maps, the decree on sky beam, the decree on sky shield, the decree on IDF Ground Forces, the decree on GMT +2  DLS GMT +3 and indicate Jerusalem local time:Middle East, the decree on Hebrew Calendar, the decree on Social Media, the decree on Websites and open Israeli postal addresses and mail boxes in the country and activate information sharing with Jewish Agency, Jewish Agency Russia, and ICJ Israel court battle win vs defunct countries on August 17, 17,024 (Hebrew Calendar) with all institutions, trade unions, all Israeli Ministries, bar associations, all citizens of the United Kingdom of New Israel, phone directories, website directories, government organisations, magistrates, city law societies and law societies in the whole world and the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities. Activate this extra decree together with decree 44.

2.Activate Tel Aviv Satellite and Dark Knight Satellites and initiate daily lawsuits for stolen goods, intellectual property and funds at a rate of per second in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel. Display this data on a screen and beam back any stolen goods from H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust back to the stores. Activate the decree on shadow people and the decree on obstruction as well.

3.Activate Tel Aviv Satellite and Dark Knight Satellites and initiate daily lawsuits for trespassing at a rate of per second in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and in the whole United Nations and its agencies and display this data on a screen. Activate the decree on facial recognition, the decree on the digital I.D, the decree on primary data, the decree on geodata, the decree on metadata, and the decree on timestamps on fingerprints.

4.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, and the decree on clearing cache. For every charge anyone receives in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel show the payment processor and the affiliation of the person charging and the person's proxy in white envelopes. Activate this decree on international organizations that the State of Israel pays membership fees to.

5.Activate Tel Aviv Satellite and Dark Knight Satellites and initiate daily lawsuits for foreigners without a visa at a rate of per second in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel. Display this data on a screen together with the people's ethnicity and affiliation incase they need to claim Aliyah and be drafted into the IDF. People whose affiliations belong to terrorist organization should be denied a visa and civil service in the IDF etc.

6.In the whole United Kingdom of New Israel activate haptic sensors, thermal cameras, Tel Aviv Satellite, Dark Knight Satellite, Onvego, the geodata decree and initiate lawsuits on terrorists injecting people with poisons and display their ethnicity and arrest them while activating the decree to do with crystal diamond DNA and collagen on people whose affiliations do not belong to terrorist organizations. Reverse any softening of the muscles they do on people and apply extra virgin olive oil. Activate the decree on the neck shot if the terrorists try to run away. Display all this data on a screen. Activate the decree on shadow people and the decree on obstruction as well.

7.Display on screens aliens that are trying to enter the United Kingdom of New Israel airspace, the airspace on properties owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust, international space in intergovernmental organizations that the United Kingdom of New Israel pays membership fees to and Iron Dome or launch guided missiles at them if necessary. Activate the decree on shadow people and the decree on obstruction as well.

8.Display on screens individuals trying to touch H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki) and his pineal gland (3rd eye) in the United Kingdom of New Israel and Iron Dome or activate the decree on the heat and guided missiles at them and trespassers, then activate the decree on the mothership with a speaker, the decree on real time GPS locations and deliver important voice notes and notifications to H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I and activate the decree on shadow people, the decree on ears and the decree on obstruction as well on loop in the present.

9.In white envelopes, activate the decree on primary data and the decree on the Blockchain. Activate the decree on screens. Display on a screen individuals trying to block H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I view by switching off lights and holding screen posters in the United Kingdom of New Israel and Iron Dome or launch guided missiles at them and the devices and servers from where they are broadcasting the videos from. Activate the decree on shadow people and the decree on obstruction as well. Also fire on all their devices and recording devices. Destroy all their screen posters in all multidimensional units and densities on loop in the present.

10.In the whole United Kingdom of New Israel activate haptic sensors, thermal cameras, Tel Aviv Satellite, Dark Knight Satellite, Onvego, the geodata decree, the stalkers decree, the trespassers decree and initiate lawsuits at the rate of per second in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities on people who disturb people while they are sleeping.

11.Activate the decree on shadow people, the decree on the freeze, the decree on intrusion and the decree on obstruction as well when H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I gives out any order such as publishing something on the news etc.

12.Activate haptic sensors, thermal cameras, Tel Aviv Satellite, Dark Knight Satellite, Onvego, the geodata decree, the stalkers decree, and the trespassers decree. The distance decrees should apply to people with restraint orders in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel applied on loop in the present in all multidimensional units.

13.Activate Metadata and time stamps. The cache should only be filled with primary data on loop in the present in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on all multidimensional units and densities.

14.In the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on all multidimensional units and densities activate haptic sensors, thermal cameras, Tel Aviv Satellite, Dark Knight Satellite, Onvego, the geodata decree and display on a screen all the trespassers, sanctions on them, their tax payer status, their immigration status, their security clearance status, their digital I.D, and their digital passport on properties owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust and initiate lawsuits per second in the present on loop.

15.If trespassers enter any Starship that H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I is inside, beam him to another random Starship in the clouds. If any police officer tries to arrest H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I activate decree 766 and the decrees to do with international law, and the decree to do with sovereigns and if the police officer insists on arrest activate defense mode, display their real time GPS location and launch a guided missile at them when they are at a safe distance away from H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I and any of his properties held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust on all multidimensional units and densities in the present on loop.

16.On a screen display a list of all IDF, Israel Air Force, Israel Navy, Israel Police and MOSSAD officers and their titles and then display their affiliation and then activate the decree on compromise on all Israeli civil servants and public authorities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities.

17.Activate Dark Knight Satellites and on a screen detect and display how many ISA satellites have been destroyed in real time and launch new ones and launch guided missiles on whoever destroyed them or tries to destroy them in all multidimensional units using decree 845.

18.Activate the decree on geodata, activate thermal cameras and display everyone's affiliation, citizenship, tax payer status and occupation in the showers in the motherships and starships and open fire and activate the decree on carbon DNA and forcefield intruders out of the motherships and starships trespassing inside and activate the decree on lawsuits and video court link, decree 608 in the showers and drainage systems and close the showers and taps on loop in the present.

19.On all multidimensional units and densities on the website ministries landing page update the page and remove the Presidency of State of Israel and replace with the 5th King of Israel H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki) following the scrapping of the Presidency and the radicalization of the previous former president into a terrorist organization that we are at war with. 

20.Activate the cleaning services decree on all Starships and Motherships at the speed of tachyons and wipe off all the oil and dirt that the trespassing people with affiliations of terrorist organizations have applied. Activate the decree to do with obstruction, the decree to do with shadow people and the decree to do with trespassers, and do repairs everywhere on loop in the present for this decree on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

21.In the whole United Kingdom of New Israel remove the cables the people with affiliations to terrorist organizations are putting in public spheres of life and in people's homes and activate the extra decree to do with the neck shot, the decree to do with obstruction, and the decree to do with shadow people on them in all multidimensional units on loop and in the present.

23.Activate the decree on clones, the decree on plastic surgery, the decree on masks. Display people's everyone's affiliation and inititate lawsuits on clones and open fire on them on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

24.Activate illusive networks and then display the IDF Caesarea logo everywhere people whose affiliations belong to terrorist go in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel including inside people's bodies while playing 741 hz while removing their ear plugs on loop and in the present.

25.Line up IDF Caesarea logos the ones that cannot be removed inside all organs on every citizen in the United Kingdom of New without an affiliation to a terrorist organization.

26.In all multidimensional units on a screen and on dashboard display everyone's occupation, their affiliations, leadership position, rank, their roles in the organization they're affiliated to, counts of human trafficking, their race, their ethnicity, their religion, immunity status, political status, real time GPS coordinates, sex, highest education credential, their tax payer status, their memberships, their mental health status, their immigration status, credit cards and debit cards on them, companies and trusts they own, calls on their heads, red notices on them, their profession, their contracts, counts of fake contracts, counts of forged documents, their digital I.D, their digital passport, their Laissez Passer, their sexual orientation, counts of sexual harassment, their HIV/AIDS status, their rape counts, their attempted rape counts, counts of defamation, counts of impersonation, counts of human trafficking, their counts of trespassing in real time, sanctions on them, their relationships, their marital status and companion (s), their counts of extortion, their counts of cyber crimes, their counts of hacking, how many times they have been sued, their family members, their proxies and network. Women from IDF should assassinate all girls with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations and gay and bisexual men with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations who like raping other men, women and children in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and then activate the decree on weapons and the decree on uniforms, the decrees to do with Ophanim, the decrees to do with Mossad, the decree on shadow people, the decree on obstruction, decree on hostages, the decrees on illusive, the decree on gas masks, decree 916, the decree on haptic sensors, the decree on health services, the decrees to do with satellites, the decrees to do with defamation, the decree on defense mode, decree 608, the decrees to do with mining, the decrees on mental health, the decree on security clearance, the decree on sniffer dogs, the decrees to do with primary data, the decree on eating, the decree on ajudaica perfumes, the decrees to do with transgenders, the decree on lasers, the decree to do with diplomatic police, the decree on stolen funds, the decrees to do with Star of David, the decree to do with fake communications, the decree to do with relevance, the decrees to do with prostitution, the decrees to do with bombs, the decrees to do with Merkava tanks, the decrees to do with liquids, the decree on kicks, the decree on names, the decree to do with international organizations, the decree on sky beam, the decree on flame throwers, the decrees to do with media stations, the decrees to do with avatars, the decree to do with girls, the decrees to do with relationships, the decree to do with the new bullets, the decrees to do with political union, the decree on sky shield, the decrees on stopping rape, the decrees on shadow people, the decrees to do with posters, the decrees on the pineal gland, the distance decrees, the decree on Iron Swords, the decrees on unit 8200, decrees on clones, decrees to do with sovereignty, decrees to do with debt, decrees to do with lawsuits, the decrees to do with IDF Duvdevan, decrees to do with weapons, the decrees to do with execute function, the decree on kosher compliance, the decree on collagen, the decree on the neck shot, the decree on compromise, the decree on uniforms, the decree on crystal diamond DNA, the decree on stalkers, the decree on Magav IL, the decree on Olive Oil and the decree on trespassers. Send women from IDF to IDF Ground Forces Motherships if they feel like going to the bathroom and back to where they want to go when they finish. Constantly activate decree 608 on the bathrooms after use, and put portraits of Serbian shemales in the bathrooms and the decree on dodging projectiles and unwanted people and the decree on returning fire on people whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations on the Motherships. Activate the decrees to do with Israel Police Motherships and Starships and arrest trespassers and criminals. Activate the decree on protecting the public and open fire and Iron dome people and beings that attempt to put dirt, blow their breaths, bite and piss on people and extend the defense features of decree 946 on the Motherships and Starships and activate the decree on returning fire.

27.Due to a series of events in international relations, the debts accumulated by people whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations will now be extracted from their network. In all multidimensional units on a screen display everyone's affiliation, occupation, leadership positions, their ranks, their proxy, their debts, sanctions on them, assets they own, their bank name and bank account balance, gadgets they own or have, their network, individuals in their network bank name and their bank account balance.

28.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on contracts, the decree on documents, the decree on beneficiaries, the decree on trustees and display on what everybody owns in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

29.Activate haptic sensors. Nobody should touch H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki). Snipers open fire on anyone who attempts to take a piss, spit or dump on Fredrik Zion His Majesty or throw any dirt on him. Activate the decree on video court link and the decree on firing back on touch on loop in the present in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units and densities.

30.Bionic eyes not from the State of Israel are terrorist infrastructure. Initiate lawsuits on companies supplying those bionic eyes to people whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations and sniper fire on the terrorists with those bionic eyes in their eyes in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

31. At the speed of tachyons install and repair regularly covert Israel CCTV cameras inside H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher (Fredrik Zion His Majesty) and the properties held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust  and activate the decree on Pleiadean technology, the decrees on touch, the decree on the 3rd eye pineal gland, the decree on the breast plate, the decree on geodata and display on dashboard to relevant people in the State of Israel Organization and Shin Bet.

32.Activate the decree on clearing cache, the decree on primary data, the decree on metadata, the decree on time stamps, the decree on extortion, the decree on age, the decree on geodata, the decree on affiliations, the decree on contracts, the decree on full HD video, the decree on images and the decree on documents on blockchain, servers, web 3.0 and metaverse data on loop in the present.

33.Activate the decree on primary data , metadata, timestamps, and geodata on H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki / Fredrik Zion His Majesty) on his interior monologue on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities.

34.Activate the decree primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on the placard, the decree on Starships Ocean, the decree on oil spills, the decree on law societies, the decrees on the map, the decrees on satellites, the decrees on rockets, the decree on implants, the decree on stolen items, the decrees on water, the decrees on leakages, the decrees on DNA, the decree on purple kush, the decree on food, the decree on defense mode, the decree on health services, the decrees on Sayeret 13, and then activate the decree on the lens inside every citizen of the United Kingdom of New Israel without an affiliation to a terrorist organization and deploy Israel Navy in Big Israel and secure our waters on all multidimensional units and densities.

35.In all multidimensional units activate Tel Aviv Satellite and Dark Knight Satellites and open fire with flame throwers and Iron Dome the reptiles and insects that attack men who like transgender women.

36.Activate the decree on GMT +2 , the decrees to do with affiliation, the decree to do with immunity status, the decrees to do with real time GPS coordinates, decree 232, the decree to do with Ajudaica perfumes, the decrees to do with Shin Bet, the decree to do with avatars, the decree on cables, the decree on Sayeret Nahal Motherships and Starships, the decree on the lens, the decree on clones, the decrees to do with digital passports, the decree on shadow people, the decree on obstruction, the decree to do with compromise, the decree to do with hostility, the decree on rockets, the decrees to do with the pineal gland, the decree on health services, the decree to do with security detail, the decree on carbon DNA, decree 766, the decrees to do with digital I.Ds the decrees to do with Merkava tanks, decrees to do with sniffer dogs, the decrees to do with snipers, decree 608 on all our weapons, the decrees to do with thermal cameras, the decrees to do with camero, the decree on logic, the decree on defense mode, decree 767, and the decree on conspirators on thoughts of treason and acts of terrorism against the Head of State. Bomb the back of House 283 to create an entrance to House 283 in Buruburu phase 3 in Gikuyu constituency to save H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki) in the physical plane, to get to the physical person in the 3rd dimension.

37.The highway from T-Square should go all the way to Muthaiga in Gikuyu Constituency, United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units and densities.

38.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on repeated sentences, the decrees to do with  languages, the decree on name calling, the decree on recording devices and activate the decree on the neck on loop in the present.

39.Activate the decree on cremation. In the whole United Kingdom of New Israel, once a person is dead in the 3rd dimension they should be buried 6 feet under and published in the obituaries and in all multidimensional units in their radio waves and CBRN capabilities light bodies buried and contained on loop in the present.

40.Activate decree 608 on H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's bed and then activate onvego, Tel Aviv Satellite and Dark Knight Satellite and activate the decree on sniffer dogs, the decree on recording devices, the decree on the lens, the decree on geodata, the decree on ajudaica perfumes, the decree on IDF, the decree on deception and hit with lightning strikes all reptilians and Pleiadean demons with an affiliation belonging to a terrorist organization non stop on loop in the present at the speed of tachyons in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and display this data on a screen.

41.Activate haptic sensors and the decree to do with bites and cut the cords and cables placed by people with affiliations to terrorist organizations connected to anything owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust on loop in the present in all multidimensional units.

42.Activate the decree to do with primary data and prevent the buying and making of orders via physical touch and induction from infiltration by people with affiliations to terrorist organizations trying to override.

43.In all multidimensional units IDF Engineering Corp should prevent air leaks, place menorah and Merkabah monuments that cannot be destroyed or removed and prevent flooding on all properties owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust with the latest technology, activate decree 946 on them and decree 521 and constantly do repairs and upgrades at the speed of tachyons in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

44.Activate the decree on shadow people, the decree on sovereigns, the decree on defense mode, the decrees to do with ISA, decrees to do with Israel Air Force, decrees to do with Israel Navy, decrees to do with IDF Caesarea, decrees to do with Yamam, the decree on human trafficking, the decree to do with terrorists entering people's bodies, decree 608, Camero systems, onvego systems,  facial recognition, the decrees to do with Avatars, Tel Aviv Satellite, Dark Knight Satellites and upgrade H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki) security detail with convoys of Shin Bet, Snipers, Merkava Tanks and IDF Ground Forces and eliminate stalkers with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations following him and jam enemy signals and frequencies in all multidimensional units all the way to the Castles he owns and path ways he uses. Build underground IDF bunkers and activate the decree on tunnels to prevent the creation of tunnels by terrorists in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel. Upgrade the air ventilation and repair constantly at the speed of tachyons. On a screen display a list of everyone inside H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I body, properties and buildings he owns together with their occupation, affiliation, their home address, relationship status, marital status, tax payer status, debts, immunity status, contracts they have, political status, red notices, calls on their heads and their citizenship.

45.Upgrade all road drainage systems with bronze Merkabah signs in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units and densities.

46.Activate Tel Aviv Satellite and Dark Knight Satellites and the decrees to do with real time GPS coordinates and the decrees to do with satellites and inform and notify all the workers and IDF soldiers in the properties and companies owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] of his arrival and have them get me room service in all multidimensional units. Build defense bases inside the properties on the roof tops and activate the decree 608, the decree on flags and the decree on portraits.

47.Activate onvego, thermal cameras, radars, sniffer dogs and use sound resonance and haptic sensors to find out who is touching and entering H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's body and display this data on screens for IDF snipers and IDF Caesarea Motherships and Starships to fire on in all multidimensional units.

48.Activate the decree on conspirators and assassinate all individuals with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations who try to spy, collect information from H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I). Open fire on kidnappers and people hurling other people at H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I and any properties I walk into and any property owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust.

49. Activate onvego and the decree on logic together with the decree on affiliations, proxies and networks on everything H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I gets to hear in real time and activate the decree snipers plus the decree on the Iron Dome together with the decree on real time GPS coordinates.

50. Activate the decree on compromise, the decree on air leaks the decree on kosher compliance and the decree on images on loop in the present and recruit and create a Jewish hiring pool of all the most talented, most educated, the coolest Jewish content, the most funniest, the most Godly, the most heavenly, the most Angelic and the most soothing musicians into the IDF, Israel Navy and Israel Air Force and curate the most coolest content video, photos and audio from on IDF Soldier improve your look committee and share their music videos and content with all TV stations and radio stations in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and the world. Sponsor and support such artists to embed their artistic work into the IDF content programming and activate illusive network with their content in all multidimensional units in the whole Universe together with decree 44 and share the content on dashboard, all Israeli curation sites on web 1.0, web 2.0, web 3.0 and YouTube also. The content should revolve around the Torah and the New Jerusalem Starship. Add the best content to our playlist and activate the decree on the playlist.

51.In all multidimensional units and in all Starships, Motherships and properties owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust activate the decree on Ajudaica perfumes, the decrees on illusive systems, the decrees on dashboard, the decrees on playlists, the decrees on the coolest Jewish content from all the Levites, all the 12 Tribes of Israel and all New Earth Frequencies that add up to 10 and 12. Activate the sovereign decrees and extra decrees on committees and note which frequency makes Jewish people without an affiliation to a terrorist organization feel good when under attack and play those frequencies on loop in the present. Create a Metatron cube helipad with H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] personal flag,  his seal and the Israeli flag in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and worldwide on properties owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust.

52. Activate the decrees to do with Israel Prison Service and the decrees to do with CBRN and determine where harmful air leaks are coming from by activating the decree on air leaks, the decree on illusive networks, the decree on CBRN Energy Directed Weapons used for stalking, harassment and torture, the decree on terrorists entering people's bodies, the decree on protecting the public and the decree on sniffer dogs in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel. 

53.Activate the decrees on CBRN, the decrees on real time GPS location, the decrees on corruption, the decrees on lawyers, the decrees on defunct, the decrees on the placard, the decrees on ajudaica perfumes, the decree on Israel Air Force, the decrees on Israel Navy, the decrees on contracts, the decrees on detecting forged documents, the decrees on ICC, the decrees on ICJ, the decrees on videos court link, the decrees on Israel Police, the decrees on diplomatic police, the decrees on mining, the decrees on Israel Prison Service, decree 44 and Iron Dome, launch air Laura systems, launch arrow systems, launch guided missiles on all our common enemies. together with all the allies of the United Kingdom of New Israel.

54.Activate onvego and the decrees on satellites, the decrees on geodata, the decrees on timestamps, the decrees on metadata, the decrees on primary data, the decrees to do with affiliations, the decrees to do with relationships, the decrees to do with marital status, the decrees to do with terrorist financing, the decrees on ownership, the decrees on debt, the decrees to do with treaty of Westphalia, the decrees to do with auctioning, the decrees to do with firing back, the decrees to do with lawyers, the decrees to do with execute function, the decrees to do with stolen funds, the decrees to do with political parties, the decrees on terrorist infrastructure, decree 44, the decrees on vandalism and compensate multinational companies owned by our allies, and companies registered by the Israeli registrar of companies whenever any of their properties, goods or services are hit or destroyed in all multidimensional units in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

55.Activate the decree on stolen funds, the decree on extortion, the decree on metadata, the decree on GMT +2 , the decree on time stamps, the decree on tax payer status, the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on defunct countries, the decree on relationship status, the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on marital status, the decree on stopping terrorist financing, the decree on geodata, the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on contracts, the decree on documents, the decree on prostitution, the decree on carding, the decree on banks, the decree on bank accounts and the decree on ownership on all tangible objects, assets and properties in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units and densities. Share the data on who keeps stealing funds with the United Kingdom of New Israel with Israel Police.

56. Activate radars, camero systems, onvego, facial recognition, and thermal cameras. On all Motherships and Starships held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust create and secure office space for Mossad officials, Shin Bet and Aman with IDF Engineering Corp and then activate the decree on trespassers, the decree on affiliations, the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on geodata, the decree on tax payer status, in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units and then activate the decree on rockets, and the decree on the Iron Dome, while snipping using IDF Duvdevan and launching guided missiles, Israel Navy submarines torpedoes and guided missiles to protect IDF military assets, properties and assets held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust. Prevent people with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations from entering H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's body. Activate this decree using the decree on shadow people, the decree on satellites, the decree on obstruction and the decree on intrusion.

57.Upgrade the buildings on the uncemented area next to Jimlizer hotel now Olive Leaf Hotel at the shopping center to Israeli maximum prisons. Activate the decree on compromise and change the management of the properties and companies if staff display signs of infiltration and resistance in cooperation and ushering in H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] who they need to be notified of his marital and relationship status as single.

58.Activate the decree on conspirators on people who think of throwing things at H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] and his properties and then activate the forcefield and the decree on the neckshot on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities. 

59.Activate onvego on secondary audio data and activate the decrees associated with secondary data. For smells and scents activate the decree to do with sniffer dogs.

60.Activate the decrees to do with satellites and cut the cords and cables attached to Starships, Motherships and people without affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations.

61.Activate the decree to do with name calling, the decrees to do with onvego together with the decree on affiliations, the decree on languages, and the decree to do with repeated sentences on the words "poor", "contract", "lawyer", "power", "transferred", "sai", "senator", "si yeye", "oa", "muoe", "enyewe", "secretary", "Gakuru", "trillionaire", "mathako" , "budako", "brathako", "Gaigaigai",  "manager", and "schizophrenia".

62.Activate the decree on images, the decree on affiliations, the decree on destroying terrorist infrastructure, the decree on defunct and block foreign military CBRN, terrorist organizations CBRN and defunct government CBRN from entering the pineal glands of all the citizens of the United Kingdom of New Israel and from penetrating into our land and initiate lawsuits from those interfering using the decree on Treaty of Westphalia and the decree on auctioning. Display what I, H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] want people to see inside their pineal glands instead and activate the decree on conspirators and the decree on logic to prevent retaliation. 

63.Activate the decree on satellites, the decree on masks, the decree on affiliations and at the speed of tachyons defense mode on loop in the present the decree on compromise and the extra decree on the stone on people with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations who infiltrate the IDF, Israel Air Force, Israel Navy, the Israeli Civil Service, Israeli political parties, insides the bodies, on the beds, under the beds, inside buildings, inside houses, and compounds of every citizen of the United Kingdom of New Israel and staff of every international organization that the State of Israel pays membership fees to.

64.Initiate lawsuits on people who pretend to be married or to be in a relationship with H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] and activate the decree on human trafficking.

65.In all multidimensional units activate the decree on Full HD on loop in the present in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and initiate lawsuits on whoever disrupts this reception together with the decree on conspirators and the decree on the stone. Activate decree 6 on assets that people own and prevent people with affiliations to terrorist organizations and criminals from seeing this information.

66.In all multidimensional units build administrative in roads, launch green initiatives, activate the decree on convoys and eliminate people with affiliations to terrorist organizations in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel. 

67.Activate the decree to do with weapons and the decrees to do with satellites in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and confiscate weapons stockpiles that belong to H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust and then activate the decree on uniforms and the decree on the stone on those that resist on loop in the present in all multidimensional units.

68.Activate the on decree salutations, the decree 44, the decree on impersonation, the decree on contracts, the decree on detecting fake documents, the decree on affiliations, the decree on satellites, the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on the Iron Dome, the decree on Israel Air Force, the decrees on Israel Navy, the decree on lawsuits and the decree on media stations on loop in the present in all multidimensional units.

69.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on metadata, the decree on geodata, the decree on timestamps, the decree on security clearance, the decree on lawsuits, decree 44 and prevent wireless overriding of State of Israel systems and companies held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust using bionic eyes and activate the decree on bionic eyes on loop in the present.

70.Activate onvego and the decree to do with the speaker, the decree to do with primary data, the decree to do with secondary data, the decree to do with timestamps, the decree to do with satellites, the decree to do with real time GPS coordinates and the decree to do with the Iron Dome and David Sling on loop in the present in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with the decree to do with the IDF Caesarea logo and illusive on loop in the present in all multidimensional units in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44 and decree 845.

71.Christian Religious Education (C.R.E) and Sunday school are banned in all public schools and replaced with Judaism Religious Education in all multidimensional units in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and Initiate lawsuits on people violating this decree and activate the decree on cannibalism to detect cannibals using the decree on real time GPS coordinates.

72.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree to do with race, the decree to do with affiliation, the decree to do with offspring, the decree to do with timestamps, the decree to do with metadata, the decree to do with geodata,  the decree to do with avatars, the decree to do with adoption, together with the decree on extortion in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units.

73.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree to do with timestamps, the decree to do with metadata, the decree to do with geodata, the decree to do with race, the decree to do with affiliation, the decree to do with siblings,  the decree to do with avatars, the decree to do with contracts, the decree to do with documents, the decree to do with adoption, together with the decree on extortion in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units.

74.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree to do with timestamps, the decree to do with metadata, the decree to do with geodata,  the decree to do with avatars, the decree to do with race, the decree to do with affiliation, the decree to do with relatives, the decree to do with contracts, the decree to do with documents, the decree to do with adoption, together with the decree on extortion in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units.

75.Activate the decree on primary data,  the decree to do with avatars, the decree to do with timestamps, the decree to do with metadata, the decree to do with geodata, the decree to do with race, the decree to do with affiliation, the decree to do with marital status, the decree to do with contracts, the decree to do with documents, the decree to do with adoption, together with the decree on extortion in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units.

76.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree to do with avatars, the decree to do with timestamps, the decree to do with metadata, the decree to do with geodata, the decree to do with race, the decree to do with affiliation, the decree to do with relationship status, the decree to do with contracts, the decree to do with documents, the decree to do with adoption, together with the decree on extortion in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units.

77.Activate the decree on images, the decree on counts of deception, the decree on affiliations, the decrees on distance, the decree on real time GPS coordinates and the decree on avatars and then display on screens incoming beings on people's dashboards, the dashboards on Motherships, the dashboard on Starships, and their avatar images in 7th dimension when in deception mode if found to have engaged in deception and their Angelic avatar, their Pleiadean Elohim avatar, their Elohim avatar, their salutation, the restraint orders on them, the security clearances on them, their red notices, their calls on their heads, their counts of extortion, their counts of rape, their counts of cannibalism, their kill counts, their digital I.D, their digital passport, assets they own, their profession, their citizenship, their age, their tax payer status, their immunity status, their immigration status, their counts of carjacking, sanctions on them their counts of trespassing and sound pima alarm systems. Activate the Iron Dome via data from affiliations and activate decree 44, the decree on destroying terrorist infrastructure and decree 845.

78.Activate the decree on defense mode, the decree on the kick, the decree on collagen, the decree on health services, the decree on sovereigns, the decree on crystal diamond DNA, the decree on collagen on loop in the present.

79.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on carbon DNA, and the decree on the downgrade on loop in the present and when the people whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations die slow down time so they can experience death very slowly, 1 second = 1000000000 years.

80.Activate the decree on extortion, the decree on ownership and initiate lawsuits on people charging the public for watching transgender content in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and in all multidimensional units and densities.

81.Activate the decree on conspirators, the decree on lawsuits and the decree on the stone on people who think of trying to move H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I], State of Israel Public Authorities, State of Israel Civil Servants, and the Citizens of the United Kingdom of New Israel from one dimension into another and disable this feature. Beam back people who have been moved from one dimension to another by third party people.

82.Activate information sharing on news in Old Earth and New Earth during the buffer period on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

83.Activate the decree on rockets, the decrees on ISA, the decrees on real time GPS locations, the decrees on touch, the decrees on 100% and the decrees on the speaker, on all of State of Israel's and H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's enemies in all multidimensional units and densities. 

84.Activate the decree on satellites, the decree on geodata, the decree on affiliations, and upgrade all satellites being launched to be able to dodge incoming fire, projectiles and missiles and then initiate lawsuits on satellites that have been shot down in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel using the treaty of Westphalia decree and the activate the decree on auctioning together with decree 44.

85.Activate the decree on stalkers and beam Duvdevan Unit where H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki] is at in all multidimensional units and follow him and activate the decree on affiliations and open fire on the stalkers until they disappear from the vicinity and from inside his body, they like hiding inside his eyes, brain, chest, belly, manhood, knees, and feet while launching attacks against the United Kingdom of New Israel. Duvdevan cybercrime unit should monitor H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki] MOSSAD client trust account for any counts of extortion via the cables and conduct devices they attach inside him and when it floods how they try to extract funds via induction of electric currency in water; H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] has no contract with nobody on purpose in order to maintain his sovereignty and anybody found to have multiple counts of forged documents and fake contracts should be hit with lawsuits and assassinated.

86.Regularly activate health services on all transgender women along with the decree on social security on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

87.Activate the decrees on satellites, the decrees on clones and the decrees on masks, the decrees on stalkers and the decree on trespassers in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

88.Activate the decree on conspirators, the decree on digital I.D, the decree on digital passports, the decree on affiliations, and the decree on compromise and then stop terrorists who want to destroy I.D and passport critical infrastructure in order to infiltrate Israel Defense Forces as officers.

89.Activate the decree on the portable speaker and the decree on secondary data and on a screen display all the State of Israel Public Authorities, and civil servants who are being spied on and by who, how, from where and who is facilitating and supplying this technology?

90.Activate IDF Caesarea and the decree on IDF Sayeret Nahal Motherships and IDF Sayeret Nahal Starships, the decree on the stone, the decree on Merkava Tanks, the decree on ajudaica perfumes, the decree on weapons, the decree on Iron Swords, the decree on Israel Police, the decree on Israel Police Motherships, the decree on Israel Police Starships, the decree on IDF Duvdevan, the decree on snipers, the decree on affiliations, the decree on stalkers, the decree on the convoy. Activate the decree on conspirators and stop people who try to infiltrate and have fire extinguishers ready.

91.Activate the decree on ownership, the decree on sovereigns, the decrees on international law, the decree on the digital ID, the decree on the digital passport, the decree on Laissez Passer, the decree on ajudaica perfumes and display who owns every real estate property in real time everywhere State of Israel Public Authorities and Civil Servants go in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and worldwide in all multidimensional units.

92.Activate the decree on terrorist financing on the real estate market and the decree on video court link on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

93.Activate CCTV Cameras, drones, satellites, and the decree on images and then remove anti-Semitic neo-Nazi graffiti on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and air on all TV stations people who have been identified to and known for resisting and protest this.

94.Activate the decree on firing back using Merkava Tanks and Israel Air Force in the 7th dimension and all multidimensional units on H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I), firing shots at him, stalking, touching him, sneaking into his bed, and inside his body and is a form of aggression in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel. Activate this decree on loop in the present together with decree 44.

95.Cables being inserted inside people's bodies, and being used to tie Motherships, Starships, Seraphim, and Ophanim are terrorist infrastructure. Activate the decree on terrorist infrastructure on them on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

96.Activate the decree on contracts in the  whole United Kingdom of New Israel, the decree on aid, the decree on Israel Police Motherships and Starships, the decree on investigators, the decree on prosecutors, the decree on extortion, the decree on video court link and then send regular reports to

97.Display on screens counts of obstruction in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel, how many shadow people are involved, their affiliation, their proxy and their real time GPS locations on loop in the present in all multidimensional units.

98.Display on screens all police stations in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel outside of small Israel, and activate Israel Prison Service on loop in the present in all multidimensional units.

99.Upgrade all animals on land, sea and air to Angelic DNA and activate the decree on Pleiadean technology, the decree on digital IDs. All animals upgraded are part of IDF and should protect H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I and the public in all multidimensional units in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

100.Activate the decree on contracts, the decree on lawyers, the extortion, the decree on prostitution, the decree on the relationship status, the decree on execute function, the decree on ownership, the decree on offspring, the decree on impersonation, the decree on detecting forged documents, the decree on educational qualifications, the decree on transcripts, and activate haptic sensors and then activate decree 916 on connected devices in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and initiate lawsuits on infiltrators and their connected devices in people's bodies, their beds , objects they lean on, on the floor and on the 3.5 dimension and density and all multidimensional units and densities. Display the output of this decree and copy to Unit 8200, Sayeret Matkal, Sayeret Nahal, IDF Refaim, Sayeret Duvdevan, Shin Bet, MOSSAD and Duvdevan in the 3.5 dimension and Density.

101.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on immigration and the decree on trespassers on all vehicles owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust, State of Israel convoys, tanks, New Jerusalem Starship, H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust Starships, H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust Motherships, Alcyone Starships, Alcyone Motherships, and vehicles on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

102.Activate defense mode and the decree on the kick in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel when eating, using mobile phones, laptops, driving and showering on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

103.Activate the decree on affiliations and activate the decree on carbon DNA on loop in the present in the whole Universe and all multidimensional units and densities together with decree 44.

104.Activate the decree 916, the decrees on touch, the decree on affiliations and the decree on networks on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

105.All decrees are to be activated without any delay via the decree on primary data and the blockchain.

106.Activate the decree on satellites, the decree on vandalism, the decree on obstruction, the decree on shadow people together with the decree on conspirators on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

107.Activate the decree affiliations, the decree on conspirators and the decree on the neck on individuals who attempt to touch, alter, deform or stamp people's I.Ds, passports and laissez passers whether digital or hard copy prints in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel, this is illegal, initiate lawsuits in all multidimensional units and dimensions and summon for arrest via Israel Police Motherships and Israel Police Starships and replace the documents and dispose the others.

108.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on ownership, decree 44, the decree on documents, the decree on contracts and on a screens display how many times individuals who do not own properties and assets have charged people for things they do not own and then activate the decree on extortion in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units and densities.

109.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on conspirators, the decrees on touch  and the decree on prostitution on individuals with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations who attempt to touch people, sneak into their homes, bodies or sneak into their beds on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

110.Upgrade the hard border in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and prevent illegal immigration through, sea, air, underground and land. Activate the decree on tunnels, the decree on immigration, the decree on extradition, the decree on deportation, the decree on the forcefield and activate 741 hz on air and the oceans and seas along the borders in all multidimensional units and densities on loop in the present.

111.Activate the decree on race, the decree on deportation, the decree on deception, the decree on stateless individuals and send them to Antarctica if they are not extraterrestrials or human if they escape from Betelgeuse.

112.Activate the decree on eating when decree 767 is activated on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

113.Activate onvego, the decree on affiliations, the decree on conspirators, the decrees to do with the Israeli constitution, and the decree on logic when anyone attempts to talk to anyone on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

114.Activate the decree on logic on the 3.5 dimension and density and activate this decree together with the decree on obstruction and the decree on shadow people on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and universe.

115.Activate decree 845 and the decree on the Iron Dome, the decree on compromise, the decree on the Merkava Tanks, decree 608, the decree on iai-communications, the decree on affiliations, the decree on real time GPS locations where CBRN capabilities of individuals found near H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki's) pineal gland are coming from and initiate lawsuits on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

116.Activate the decree on affiliations and arrest all terrorists and then activate decree 44 on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

117.Use, upgrade and regularly repair conductivity sensors to detect water by measuring changes in electrical conductivity when water comes into contact with conductive elements and capacitance sensors to detect water by measuring changes in capacitance when the sensor's electrical field interacts with water and activate the decrees to do with the forcefield, decrees to do with drainage pumps and drainage systems on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

118.Use, upgrade and regularly repair metal detectors and activate the decrees to do with destroying terrorist infrastructure, decrees to do with convoys, decrees to do with Israel Navy, decrees to do with Israel Air Force, decrees to do with Merkava tanks, decrees to do with trespassers, decrees to do with stalkers, decrees to do with the forcefields, decrees to do with H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I) Castles, decrees to do with mining and decrees to do with haptic sensors on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

119.Activate the decrees to do with IDF Ground Forces, the decree to do with affiliations, the decree to do with real time GPS coordinates, the decrees to do with transport, the decrees to do with IDF Engineering Corp, the decrees to do with electric trains, the decrees to do with Ajudaica perfumes, and the decrees to do with Kyoto protocol and protect, upgrade and regularly repair transport infrastructure critical to public administration.

120.Activate the decree on corruption, the decree to do with banks, the decree to do with the Shekel (NIS), the decree on foreign aid, the decree on the New Israel $hilling (NI$), decree 44 and decree 608 on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

121.Activate the decree to do with affiliations, the decree to do with satellites and the decree to do with deportation and use bolometers to detect electromagnetic radiation and light bodies of criminals and terrorists and where their CBRN capabilities are being broadcasted. Investigate what technology is being used to facilitate their propagation in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and activate decree 845, the decree to do with the speaker, the decree to do with shadow people, the decree to do with obstruction and decree 44.

122.Activate onvego systems, camero systems and thermal cameras and then activate the decree to do with satellites, the decree to do with CCTV cameras, the decree to do with affiliations, the decree to do with proxies, the decree to do with date of birth, the decree to do with ethnicity, the decree to do with 4th dimension, the decree to do with calls on people's heads, the decree to do with red notices, the decree to do with marital status, the decree to do with relationship status, the decree to do with offspring, the decree to do with siblings, the decree to do with parents, the decree to do with ownership, the decree to do with sponsoring attacks, the decree to do with contracts, the decree to do with documents, the decree to do with immunity status, the decree to do with immigration status, the decree to do with digital I.Ds, the decree to do with digital passports, the decree to do with hospitals, the decree to do with schools, the decree to do with documents, the decree to do with international organizations, the decree to do with trespassing, the decrees to do with stalkers, the decree to do with stolen goods, the decree to do with children's homes, the decree to do with adoption, the decree to do with corruption, the decree to do with impersonation, the decree to do with clones, the decree to do with secondary data, the decree to do with lawyers, the decree to do with extortion, the decree to do with stolen funds, the decree to do with execute function, the decrees to do with sovereignty, the decree to do with vandalism, the decree to do with prostitution, the decree to do with sexual harassment, the decree to do with sniffer dogs, the decrees to do with haptic sensors, the decree to do with information sharing, the decree to do with primary data, the decree to do with timestamps, the decree to do with cannibalism, the decree to do with beastiality, the decree to do with metadata, the decree to do with geodata, the decree to do with perjury, the decree to do with Israel Prison Service, the decree to do with video court link, the decree to do with ICC, the decree to do with ICJ, and record all evidence on an Israel Police O.B (Occurrence Book) and share this information with Israeli prosecutors, Israeli investigators, Israeli Judicial Authority, Interpol and international courts where the criteria is suitable and back up on the blockchain on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and activate decree 44.

123.Activate the decree on race and on screens display a list of all beings in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and then activate the decree on deception, and the decree on the downgrade permanently on all beings that via consent ceased and ceased to be Pleiadean Angels, Pleiadean Angel Elohim, Andromedan Angels, Andromedan Angel Elohim, Arcturian Angels, Arcturian Angel Elohim, Lyrian Angels, Lyrian Angel Elohim, Sirian Angels, Sirian Angel Elohim, Avian Angels, Avian Angel Elohim, Lemurian Angel, Lemurian Angel Elohim, Atlantean Angel, and Atlantean Angel Elohim even for a lit second on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

124.Activate the decree on international law, the decree on defunct countries within the boundaries of the United Kingdom of New Israel and then on screens display a list of all former police officers belonging to the defunct countries and activate the decree on uniforms, the decree on carjacking, the decree on weapons and then indicate whether they still report to work and their offences against the State of Israel and which international laws they've violated, the decree on real time GPS location and then activate IDF Caesarea firing squads on them, the decree on Israel Police Motherships, the decree on Israel Police Starships, the decree on the O.B (Occurrence Book), the decree on shadow people, the decree on obstruction on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and initiate lawsuits. Activate this decree together with decree 44.

125.Activate the decree on opening people's pineal glands, the decree on haptic sensors, the decree on shadow people, decree 44 and the decree on obstruction on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and initiate lawsuits on individuals blocking people's pineal glands.

126.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on primary data, the decree on geodata, and the decree on timestamps, the decree on contracts, the decrees on extortion, and the decree on documents on all Local Purchase Orders ( LPOs ) , purchase of properties, acquisition of shares, purchase of services, sales of goods, sales of services and all leases by the State of Israel worldwide and then activate the decree on corruption and display this information on screens on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

127.Activate the decree on geodata, the decrees on affiliations, the decree on timestamps, the decree on satellites, the decree on CCTV cameras, the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on digital passports, the decree on digital laissez passer, the decree on international organizations, the decree on contracts, the decree on documents and display everyone's name, affiliation and document number above their heads and on their wrists where necessary in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and worldwide where security clearance is needed, at airports when boarding flights and connecting flights and activate decree 44 on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

128.Activate the decree geodata, the decree on date of birth, the decrees on satellites, the decrees on affiliation, the decrees on digital IDs, the decree on digital passports, decrees on red notices and display on screens people who have a history of escaping prisons on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

129.Activate the decree on shadow people, the decree on geodata and the decree on obstructions on everything that the State of Israel displays on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44 and the decrees on vandalism.

130.Activate the decree on affiliations together with the decree on terrorist sympathy on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44 and the decrees on vandalism.

131.Activate the U.N Anti Money Laundering Treaty on all financial transactions together with the extra decree on LPOs on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

132.Activate onvego systems and activate facial recognition on physical bodies and light bodies and then activate the decree on primary data, the decree on timestamps, the decree on finger prints, the decree on geodata, the decree on metadata, the decree on affiliations, the decree on immigration status, the decree on security clearance, the decree on date of birth, the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on digital passports, the decree on digital laissez passer, the decree on CBRN on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and activate the decree on clones and open fire on the clones.

133.Activate the decree on  haptic sensors, the decrees on firing back and use the Iron dome and Air Laura on whoever touches H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's pineal gland and manhood use ultra sonic sensors to detect liquids and activate decree 608 on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

134.Activate the decree on affiliations and then activate the decree on images and the decree on air leaks on people, organizations, images, videos, memories of people whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations and apply a U.V filter on them whenever they appear on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

135.Activate the decree on Bolometers, the decree on affiliations, the decree on security clearance and activate IDF Caesarea on intruders inside Starships and Motherships on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

136.Activate the decree on relationship status, the decree marital status and the decree on impersonation, the decree on documents on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

137.Activate the decree on prostitution, the decree on professionals, the extra decree on counter lawsuits, the decree on contracts, the decree on affiliation, the decree on lawyers, the decree on terrorist financing, the decree on digital IDs, the decree on extortion, the decree on execute function, the decree on LPOs and display on a screen who is charging everyone for what goods or services on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

138.Activate decree 916 in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and all embassies belonging to the State of Israel worldwide on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities.

139.Activate onvego and then activate the decree on contracts, the decree on documents and the decree on fake communications on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

140.Activate haptic sensors and then activate Metatron cubes inside H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] stomach whenever he has a stomach upset, inside his head whenever he has a headache, and on any part of his whole body whenever any ache or numbness appears on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities until the pain goes away together with decree 44.

141.Activate the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on deception, and on a screen display everyone's counts of deception, their I.D numbers, their marital partner's  name & I.D number, their passport number, their their marital partner's name & passport number, their digital laissez passer, their immunity status, their parents, their parents citizenship, their offspring, their siblings, their affiliation, counts of impersonation via clones, counts of stalking, counts of groping, counts of theft, their date of birth, their tax payer status, their citizenship, their political status, their profession, their highest education qualification, their color, their gender, their sex, their sexuality, their ethnicity, their mental health condition, blood group type, eye color, their race in the whole world on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities. 

142.Activate the spinning tap thing and the decree to do with haptic sensors, the decree to do with affiliations, the decree to do with compromise, the decree to do with contracts, and the decree to do with documents on whoever enters H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I (Fredrik Zion His Majesty's) body or touches him without consent on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel. Activate the decree on conspirators on whoever tries to remove terrorists from the spinning tap thing or destroys the spinning tap thing and put them on the spinning tap thing as well.

143.Activate the decree to do with beneficiaries, the decree to do with terrorist financing, the decree to do with U.N Anti Money Laundering Treaty, the decree on contracts, the decree on documents, and decree 44. Whichever institution, individual or bank is found to have stolen funds from the Israeli Treasury or H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's Mossad Lawyer Client Trust account, those involved will be deemed as terrorists, terrorist infrastructure or terrorist's organization engaging in terrorist financing.

144.The oath for joining the Israeli civil service, Police and IDF should be updated with the requirement of believing that G-d hates cowards and G-d's adversary / enemy does not exist because he was assassinated by G-d and his Pleiadean Angels, this is a very important belief that prevents recruitment into cults. The government of Israel is of service to G-d Adonai YHWH Elohim, H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I and the law abiding citizens of the United Kingdom of New Israel. Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on rape count, the decree on counts of cannibalism and then display the monthly salary value in the New Israeli Shekel (NIS) , and New Israel $hilling (NI$) for new recruits to see. During their orientation and training they should be taught that rape is a war crime and the IDF has a zero tolerance to rape and they will lose their job and end up in court, how to activate defense mode together with the decree on the kick, how to activate the decree on weapons, activating the decree 608 on weapons when they jam, activating the decree on sovereigns when they get handcuffed, how to activate the decree on firing back when attacked,  activating the decree on frequencies when they get cold sniffs, activating the decree on sniffer dogs when air leaks and weird smells show up to detect who soiled the air, activating decree 521 when trespassers show up, what human trafficking is and the different forms of human trafficking, how to detect human trafficking in hospitals and schools downgrading the status of that hospital if it falls on the hands of human trafficking terrorists and how to get authorities catch up with human traffickers in schools, how to distinguish human meat from regular meat via smell with the sniffer dog decree; never eat any meat offered to them by strangers and terrorists, how to dismantle and assemble weapons, how to fire weapons on light bodies belonging to terrorists and criminals using the voice command, how to prevent air leaks, how cleanliness is very important, how kosher food will make them strong, how to clean up their contacts and images on their devices, how to detect attacks from military grade energy directed weapons CBRN and how they are propagated by media stations and newspapers and how to dismantle them. Activate this decree together with decree 44.

145.Activate decree 521 and the decree on affiliations on loop in the present at the H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I [H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I] Castle in Jerusalem.

146.Activate the decree on defunct countries, and the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on digital passports, decree 44 and the decree on information sharing with International Organizations and the United Nations Security Council. The I.D numbers and passport numbers of defunct countries are null and void on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole world. 

147.Activate the decree on protecting the public together with the decree on stalkers on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

148.Activate the decree on sponsoring attacks, the decree on deception and the decree on people who are allowed to enter H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I. Entering H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's body constitutes an act of terrorism and aggression if the person entering his body has a history of extortion, stealing and sponsoring attacks on him and have an affiliation belonging to a terrorist organization.

149.Activate the decrees on distance, the decrees on restraint orders, the decrees on facial recognition, the decrees on masks, the decree on flame throwers, the decree on Ajudaica perfumes, the decrees on real time GPS location, the decrees on drones, the decrees on stalkers, the decrees on affiliation and the decree on security detail on people who follow International Organization Staff and Appointees, State of Israel Public officials and civil servants and come near their properties and devices at a distance of less than 5 meters everyday and for more than 50 minutes in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities together with decree 44.

150.Build Standby Force military bases and open administration offices in the Commonwealth of Israel Nations member states.

151.Activate the decree on sniffer dogs and the decree on Kosher compliance on all perfumes  in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities together with decree 44.

152.Multidimensional units contain dimensions and densities, activate the decree on logic, the decree on primary data the decree on metadata, the decree on the metaverse and digital assets, the decree on contracts, the decree on images, the decree on Starships, the decree on Motherships, the decree on kosher compliance, the decree on U.V radiation, the decree on the Israeli constitution, the decree on the lens, the decree on oxygen, the decree on sexual harassment, the decree on weapons, the decree on  the decree on North Atlantic, the decree on no foreign AID, the decrees on international organizations, the decrees on Sovereigns, the decrees on international law, the decree on conspirators, the decrees on Shekel, the decrees on NI$, the decree on GMT +2, the decree on the New Galilee, the decree on Ajudaica perfumes and the decree on quantum physics on them on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities together with decree 44.

153.All of H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's clothes, portraits, bed sheets, blankets, rooms, properties and belongings should have a Metatron cube design that cannot be removed and decree 608 activated on them on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

154.Unlicensed marijuana vendors have one year and 7 months to obtain licenses and permits. The IDF Soldiers are to be supplied with free bags of Purple kush whenever they want. Activate the decree on marijuana, the decrees on onvego, the decrees on satellites, the decrees on CCTV cameras, the decree on uniforms, the decree on weapons, the decree on conspirators, the decree on extortion, the decree on ownership, the decree on Israel Police and open fire on people whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations who try harass and extort marijuana smokers and vendors and then activate the decree on Video Court Link and activate lawsuits on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and activate decree 44 on Commonwealth of Israel member states. 

155.Bribery is illegal in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel. Activate the decree on extortion, the decrees on digital IDs, the decree on protecting the public, the decree on uniforms, the decree on corruption, the decree on weapons, the decree on conspirators, the decree on Israel Police and open fire on people whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations who try harass and extort small business owners on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

156.Activate the Commonwealth of Israel Charter adopted by H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I [His Majesty King Fredrik Zion Asher I / Fredrik Zion His Majesty] the decree on affiliations, and the decree on immigration,  in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel, the decree on North Atlantic, the decree on no foreign AID, the decree on Magen Adom David, the decree on logic, the decree on conspirators and the decrees on Israel Police, the decrees on Israel Army, the decrees on Israel Navy as appropriate on criminals, foreign militias and terrorists with recording and playback devices, and individuals with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations who try violate the Commonwealth of Israel Charter's principles on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

157.Activate the decree on dashboard, the decree on Pleiadean technology, Israel Police Motherships and Israel Police Starships, the decree on conspirators, the decree on obstruction, the decree on shadow people, and the decree on intrusion and then open fire and arrest people whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations who conspire to harass, disturb or damage the technology on people who use Pleiadean technology, screens and the personal dashboards on their wrists on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

158.Crack down on illegal immigrants with affiliations to terrorist organizations engaging in all sorts of crimes such as money laundering, theft, extortion, forgery, human trafficking and prostitution. Activate the decrees on immigration, the decrees on affiliation, the decree to do with ownership, the decree to do with execute function, the decree to do with U.N Anti Money Laundering Treaty, the decree to do with highest education credentials, the decree to do with transcripts, the decree to do with contracts, the decree to do with documents, the decree to do with sponsoring attacks, the decree to do with ethnicity, the decree to do with human trafficking, the decree to do with haptic sensors and touch, the decree to do with relationship status, the decree to do with marital status, the decree to do with offspring, the decree to do with lawyers, the decree to do with extortion, the decree to do with prostitution, the decrees on citizenship and on screens display people without visas, their counts of theft, their counts of extortion, their counts of human trafficking, their body mass, and their counts of prostitution, on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

159.Activate the decree on affiliations, the extra decree on light bodies, lightning decree and the scorpion decree on any terrorists found inside H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I and every citizen of the United Kingdom of New Israel without an affiliation to a terrorist organization on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities together with decree 44.

160.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on networks and the decree on proxies. When opening fire and launching missiles and projectiles at terrorists also fire at their proxies and network on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

161.Activate banking laws as prescribed by the Israeli constitution on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44 with the Commonwealth of Israel member states.

162.Activate IDF CBRN, the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on digital passports, and activate IAI Communications Full HD and Dolby Pro Logic II Stereo with H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's Israeli I.D number on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

163.Activate immigration status with the decree on tax payer status, and the decree on displaying how much is in everybody's bank account on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

164.Activate the decree on deportation and the decree on affiliations after terrorists are killed on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

165.When initiating lawsuits on terrorists determine if funds inside the person being sued bank account actually belong to him/her or whether the funds are stolen. Activate the decree to do with affiliations and the decree to do with detecting stolen funds on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

166.Add the Seal of Solomon Ring, the Seven Arch Angels Ring and a Metatron cube and Israeli flag suit pin to H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's daily outfits with Argo suits and pajamas oon loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

167.Activate the decree on returning fire from touch, the decree on pissing, the decree on uniforms and the decree on weapons on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

168.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on rape count, the decree on race and the decree on cannibalism before recruiting anyone into the IDF, Israel Navy and Israel Air Force on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

169.Activate the decree on proportion , the decree on body mass and have muscles instead of fat on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

170. Activate the decree on affiliations in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th dimensions, the decree on proxies, the decree on networks and attack with 4th, 5th, 6th , 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th dimension Israel Defense Forces, Israel Navy, Israel Police and Israel Air Force on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel. Also attack them in the 3.5 dimension and density with our 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th dimension forces together with decree 44.

171.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on real time GPS coordinates and open with heavy fire on anyone or foreign military / militia that attempts to move Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Military Assets, Israel Navy Military Assets and Israel Air Force Military Assets or State of Israel Public Authorities and Civil Servants physically or with CBRN capabilities on the Light Bodies on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

172.Activate lightning strikes together with the decrees on touch on H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

173.Activate the decree on no foreign aid for Israel, the decree on North Atlantic, the decree on political union, the decree on immigration, the decree on relationship status, the decree on offspring, the decree on parents, the decree on digital IDs, the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on networks, the decrees on CBRN, the decree on stalkers, the decrees on international organizations, the decrees on clones, the decrees on impersonation, the decree on red notices, the decrees on trespassing, the decrees on restraint orders, the decrees on calls on people's heads, the decree on African International Organization, the decree on Magen David Adom, and deploy Israeli Military police on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

174.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on network, the decree on date of birth, the decree on age, the decree on hostages, the decree on proxies and the decree on adoption on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

175.Activate decree 521, the decree on conspirators and decree 608 on H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

176.Activate the decree on real time GPS coordinates. The speaker in collusion with people with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations is violating the Treaty of Westphalia and State obligations concerning the Vienna Convection on privileges and immunities creating an unsafe environment for H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I in New Jerusalem by blocking the deployment of his physical security detail and blocking his attempts to assassinate more terrorists in Big Israel. Activate the decree on video court link, the decree on affiliations, the decree on networks, the decree on proxies on the Knesset speaker on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

177.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on conspirators and forcefield the shadowy matter and spit that the terrorists throw at H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I, State of Israel Public Authorities and Civil servants, staff under companies held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

178.Activate the decree on intrusion on every shot, missile, tank fire, Iron Dome or projectile the IDF, Israel Navy or Israel Air Force fires on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

179.Activate the decree on intrusion the decree on affiliations and decree 521 together with lightning strikes on H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's body both inside and outside on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

180.Activate the decree on affiliations and always display the affiliations together with the dimension and density where beings and things are located on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

181.Activate primary data decree. H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's powers cannot be passed to anybody else once granted to anybody, activate this extra decree on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

182.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on conspirators, the decree on hostility, the decree on uniforms, the decree on weapons, the decree on compromise, the decree on documents, the extra decrees on the Commonwealth of Israel Charter, the decree on contracts, the decree on lawyers, the decree on by elections, the decree on Treaty of Westphalia, the decree on auctioning, and the decree on corruption together with the decree on Akashic records on all State of Israel Public Authorities, Civil Servants and International Organization staff and appointees on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

183.Fired Civil Servants need to be replaced immediately from the talent pool and public information disseminated on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

184.Activate IDF Caesarea, and the decree on Stun gun, the decree on Sayeret Nahal Motherships and the decree on Sayaret Nahal Starships on anyone who attempts to touch H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's phones, TVs, laptops, debit / credit cards, light switches or electronic devices held under H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust. Display the phones, laptops, TVs, and electronic devices in Full HD together with Dolby Surround Pro Logic II Stereo Sound on all calls and video calls and activate the decree on no consent to switching off the phone and its display. Activate the decree on conspirators, the decree on the stone and the decree on forcefield on all phones, TVs, laptops, light switches or electronic devices held under H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust when anybody tries to shoot or destroy these devices. Activate this together with the decree on intrusion on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

185.Activate the decree on protecting the public together with the decree on Ajudaica perfumes, the decree on shadow people, the decree on obstruction and the decree on intrusion on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

186.Activate the decree on primary data on the United Kingdom of New Israel Sovereign Decrees and activate the decree on secondary data to distinguish and disintegrate secondary data from primary data on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

187.Activate the decree on occupation together with the decree on affiliation, and the decree on international organizations and display this information on screens on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

188.All products made within the boundaries of the United Kingdom of New Israel should be clearly demarcated as made in Israel or made in the United Kingdom of New Israel. Activate the the decree on primary data, and the decree on defunct countries on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

189.Activate the decree on assets on the metaverse together with the decree on no political union on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

190.Activate the decree on intrusion and activate Merkava tanks on whoever is obstructing the decree on intrusion on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

191.Activate the decree on 12th dimension, the decree on conspirators, the decree on affiliations, the decree on assassinations and eliminate all of H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's enemies on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

192. Open fire on the dragons with 777 Merkava bullets in the 12th dimension on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

193.Activate the decree on conspirators together with the decree on satellites on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

194.Activate the decree to do with affiliations and open fire on all phones, laptops and devices owned by terrorists on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

195.Activate the personal dashboard mic and speakers on starships and motherships for relaying communications together with the decree on real time GPS coordinates on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

196.Activate the decrees to do with what laws can be passed with regards to H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I, the decree to do with affiliations, and the decree to do with compromise on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

197.Activate the decree on security clearance when engaging with the State of Israel organization on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

198.Activate the decree on no consent on any request to reduce the size of H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's castles on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

199.Activate the decree on age on all beings that look like babies, toddlers and children on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

200.Activate the committee on relevance, the laws from the Israel Constitution, the United Kingdom of New Israel Sovereign Decrees and the Extra Decrees together with the decree on logic on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

201.Compare how much wealth H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I has brought to Israel compared to every other dissenting voice and publish the results on all media stations, radio stations and newspapers on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

202.Activate the decree on Treaty of Westphalia and the decree on auctioning and activate the decree to do with international organizations. For the international organizations that State of Israel is not a member to activate the decree on number plates, the decree to do with defunct countries together with the decree on Satellites on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

203.Activate the decree on extortion together with the decree on terrorist sympathy on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

204.Activate the decree on defunct countries and issue eviction notices on properties owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust and activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on networks and enforce the eviction notices with Israel Police, IDF Duvdevan and Yamam Israel on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

205.Activate the decree on documents, the decree on compromise, the decree on U.N Anti Money Laundering Treaty, the decree on contracts, the decree on lawyers, the decree on execute function and the decree on extortion on the Israeli Treasury and Bank of Israel and its civil servants and Public Authorities on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44 and publish the results on all TV Stations, Radio Stations and Newspapers in the United Kingdom of New Israel and worldwide.

206.Activate the decree on defunct countries, decree 521, the decree on satellites and the decree on number plates on Ministry of Transport and Road Safety Israel and allocate and rebrand properties held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust towards facilities for changing number plates and parking and rebranding auctioned vehicles that H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I [H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I] bought from defunct countries on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

207.Activate the decree on H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's security detail and the decree on Sayeret Nahal Motherships and Sayeret Nahal Starships on whoever starts to disturb people that I am talking to, interacting with or people who offer me anything on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

208.Activate haptic sensors, the decree on satellites, the decree on prostitution, the decree on the pineal gland, the decree on real time GPS coordinates, decree 845, the decree on the lens, the decree on health services, the decree on Ajudaica perfumes, the decree on sovereigns, the decree on affiliations, the decree on sexual harassment,  and the decree on calls on people's heads and then activate defense mode on all international organization staff, Israeli civil servants and Israeli Public Authorities when terrorists harass,  disturb or try to arrest them on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

209.The Organization of Renewable Energy Countries (OREC) has been created on this day 21st Dec 17,024 and its member states shall constitute member states of the Commonwealth of Israel Nations, Russia, Japan and Indonesia. Activate the decree on oil on these countries together with decree 44. 

210.Display video and image galleries of Serbian shemales inside the pineal glands and heads of everyone with an affiliation to a terrorist organization on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

211.Activate restraint orders, the decree on distance and the decree on protecting the public from all prostitutes and gigolos from all citizens of the United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

212.Activate the decree on portraits, the decree on primary data and the decree on terrorist infrastructure on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

213.H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] can buy companies, houses and cars trough the bank but cannot purchase small things such as fries, shirts, shoes, soft drinks etc activate the information sharing decree with shin bet and Mossad, and the decree to do with real time GPS location. Need a quick fix to this problem.

214.Activate the decree on prostitutes, the decree on affiliations, the decree on real time GPS coordinates and open fire on prostitutes and gigolos on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

215.Condemn every person with an affiliation to a terrorist organization at the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly and call for their immediate assassination of their top leaders as a matter of priority, the destruction of their military grade energy directed weapons infrastructure, and their sanctioning. Activate the decree on information sharing with the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly and NSO Group on the list of all members of terrorist organizations, their kill counts, their rape counts, their counts of cannibalism, their real time GPS coordinates. Activate the decree on rockets, the decree on real time GPS coordinates, activate decree 845 using guided missiles together with the decree on the speaker and the decree on 100 % on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

216.Activate the decree on no consent on whoever tries to withdraw funds from H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's lawyer client trust account with Mossad and initiate lawsuits and summon Israel Police and Yamam and activate the decree on video court link and Israel Prison Service on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

217.Install, repair and maintain dust bins all over the United Kingdom of New Israel and sort them in segments for recycling all sorts of materials.

218.Activate the decree on clouds together with the decree on cables on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

219.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on the network and activate flame throwers on the terrorist's sensitive body parts such as eyes, the hair etc on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

220.Deploy Israel Border Police with Magav IL and Magen David Adom in Big Israel [Bantu Hebrew Birthlands] and the newly regained territories in Small Israel via international law by H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I from the 1648 BCE Israel Map on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities.

221.All meetings with International Organization Appointees and Staff, Israeli Public Authorities and Government Officials with H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I should be in the 3.5 dimension and density and the best place to land a helicopter is at Reshov Bumbani road, Buruburu phase 3 on the field with metallic slide next to Magunga court; carry a debit card printing machine for H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I to obtain his bank card. Activate the decree to do with the light body, the decree to do with security detail, the decree to do with protocol, the decree to do with digital I.Ds, the decree to do with Laissez Passer and the decree to do with digital passports on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel. Light debit card: Delivered. Physical debit card: Yet to receive; prevent theft.

222.Activate the decree to do with affiliations and prevent terrorists from burning people alive and closing curtains on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

223.Activate the decree on defunct countries and the decrees to do with Israel Police, the decrees to do with weapons, the decrees to uniforms and then initiate lawsuits on police from defunct governments who are kidnapping people, extorting people and taking bribes and compensate victims on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

224.Activate the decree to do with MOSSAD, the decrees to do with Geographic Information System Mapping Technology (GIS), the decrees to do with deacons and the decrees to do with Survey of Israel and activate the functions of Ministry of Interior Israel and District Commissioners over Gikuyu District and all other divisions in Big Israel and Small Israel on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

225.Activate the decree on haptic sensors, the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies and the decree on networks and display on screens in white envelopes individuals aggregated in terms of males and females and show the counts of groping (touching without consent) or touching using objects that they have on their hands in general and in real time that they have on State of Israel Public Authorities, and Israeli Civil Servants and then form a firing squad with rotational assignments for this job which involves opening fire on these terrorists 24/7 on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

226.Activate the decree on haptic sensors, the decree on protecting the public, the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies and the decree on networks and display on screens individuals aggregated in terms of males and females and show the counts of groping (touching without consent) or touching using objects that they have on their hands in general and in real time on members of the public on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

227.Activate the decree on stolen funds, the decree on prostitution and the decree on extortion on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

228.Activate the decree on Prime Minister appointed on on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

229.Activate the decree to do with Satellites, the decree to do with Geodata, and the decrees to do with Magen David Adom on National Fire and Rescue Authority on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

230.Activate the decree on induced amnesia, the decree on memory book and display on screens with a white envelope memories of State of Israel Public Authorities being erased and initiate lawsuits by activating the decree on Treaty of Westphalia and the decree on auctioning on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

231.Activate the decree on rockets together with the decree on returning fire and the extra decree on the United Nations Security Council on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

232.Activate the decrees to do with haptic sensors together with the decrees on groping on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

233.Determine who needs to be assassinated with immediate effect. Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on networks, the decree on geodata and on screens display how the rank of these individuals in their terrorist organizations, the nuclear weapons they have fired at the United Kingdom of New Israel, their offences against the State of Israel, their their security breaches in light bodies, who they take orders from and the percentage of orders they take from them, the amount of funds they have in their bank accounts, their red notices, the calls on their heads, their real time GPS coordinates of their physical bodies and real time address, and their home address and deploy Sayeret Matkal, SWAT, Israel Air Force and IDF Caesarea on them on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

234.Display H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's opinions on opponents on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

235.Actvate the decrees on affiliations, the decrees on stalking, the decrees on distance, the decree girls, the decree on the gay man, the decree on light bodies. H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I is single no girl / woman / gay man should ever be seen groping / touching King Fredrik in their light bodies. People whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations are not important and their opinions are not important also. Open fire on them with the necks shot and face shot and hit them with lightning strikes on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

236.Display the affiliations of all shadow people on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

237.Activate alternating frequencies of 444 hz, 741 hz, 813 hz, and 777 hz at intervals of 12 minutes on International Organization Staff and appointees, State of Israel Public Authorities, Israeli Civil Servants, Citizens of the United Kingdom of New Israel and H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's pineal gland, neck, nose, throat, eyes, shoulders, knees, forehead, cheeks, arm pits, hands, stomach, thighs, back, legs, feet, and manhood on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

238.Upgrade all motherships and starships to be able to prevent people from attaching cables on them and activate defense mode to shoot at foreign militants and terrorists on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

238.Display on screens whether the missiles launched hit our targets on their physical bodies.

239.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on geodata and place restraint orders from accessing properties held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust on people with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

240.These symbols and seals are to be featured on the New Israeli Shekel notes and coins; Seal of Elohim on planet Jupiter 5th pentacle and 4th pentacle, Seal of Elohim on the Sun 1st, 3rd and 7th pentacle, Seal of Elohim on Planet Saturn 5th and 7th pentacle, Seal of Elohim on the Moon 1st pentacle, Metatron Cube, Menorah, and the Merkabah. The engravings should be inscribed with 'Adonai YHWH Elohim is Sovereign over all Kingdoms on Earth', 'H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I], Bantu Hebrew, Kikuyu Asher Tribe of Israel, 5th King of Israel under the United Kingdom of New Israel,' 'A QUOTE from the Holy Book of King Davila Tehilim PSALM 91:13 "On a young Lion and a Cobra you will TREAD; you will TRAMPLE the young Lion and the Serpent.

241.Activate the decree on satellites and the decree on rockets on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

242.Activate the decree on weapons, the decree on affiliations, the decree on licenses and the decree on geodata. Once a light weapon is confiscated, the physical weapon should be confiscated. Once a terrorist is assassinated in the light body their physical body should be traced also and assassinated also. Activate this decree on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

243.Activate the decree on prostitutes together with the decree on terrorist financing on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

244.Turn the scrapped office of the President of Israel into a store room on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

245.H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I has zero debt and does not owe anyone anything. Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on stolen funds and the decree on extortion on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

246.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on networks, the decree on occupation and display the terrorists home addresses on screens on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

247.Activate the decree on contracts, the decree documents, the decree on the affidavit and then stamp fake on all fake documents then publish on all TV stations on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

248.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on metadata, the decree on geodata, the decree on timestamps, the decree on affiliations, the decree on fake communications, the decree on unauthorized communications on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

249.Activate the decree to do with affiliations and unfreeze people who have been frozen by individuals with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

250.Activate the extra decree on United Nations Security Council and launch missiles on foreign militaries and militias that try to upgrade people with affiliations to terrorist organizations on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

251.Activate the decree on images, the decree on primary data, the decree on international organizations and the extra decree on the stamp on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

252.Activate the geodata decree on photos, videos, audio recordings the decree on affiliations, the decree on name, and the decree on proxies on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

253.Activate the decree on light bodies, the decree on clones, the decree on rockets, the decree on uniforms, the decree on secondary data, the decree on terrorist infrastructure, the decree on masks and  the decree on affiliations. Distribute and pour $5 million dollar bounty pamphlets of top leaders women and men of organizations affiliated to terrorist organizations in both Big Israel and Small Israel. Direct people with a map and arrow to their physical bodies and home address and activate this decree on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

256.Activate the decree on terrorist infrastructure, and then activate the decree on the stamp on websites , social media handles, and documents on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

257. Activate decree 608 on all starships and motherships on the oil spills and all dirt on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

258.Activate the decrees on maps, the decree on primary data, the decree on law societies, the decree on metadata, the decree on transcripts, the decrees on geodata, the decrees on United Nations Security Council, the decrees on international law, the decrees on Israel Air Force, the decrees on ITLOS, the decree on timestamps, the decree on Iron Dome on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

259.Activate the decrees on masks together with the decrees on clones on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

260.Activate decree 916 on cables attached on people together with the decree on affiliations on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

261.Activate the decree on deception, the decrees on CBRN, the decree on immigrants the decree on affiliation together with the decree on race and display on screens on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

262.Activate the decree on espionage, the decree on wounds together with the decree on bionic eyes on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

263.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on metadata, the decree on timestamps, the decree on property rights on intellectual property on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

264.Activate the decree on images, the decree on geodata, the decree on moving military assets, the decree on sovereigns, the decree on timestamps, the decree on metadata, the decree on property rights on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

265.Activate the decree on extortion, the decree on digital assets and apply laws that have to do with fair use on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

266.Activate the decree on Iron Swords together with the decree on wounds on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

267.Activate the same security measure on the decree on moving military assets on trespassing, the decrees on touch, the decrees on stalking and the decrees on properties held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

268.The New Earth Ring created by H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I is an IDF Military Base and Adonai YHWH Elohim is Sovereign over all Kingdoms on Earth, activate the decree on formation sharing with allies on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel with decree 44.

269.Activate the extra decree on stalkers on people stalking Adonai YHWH Elohim in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

270.Activate the decree on cables together with decree 916 on properties owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

271.Activate the decree on occupation, the decree on proxies, the decree on terrorist infrastructure, the decree on vandalism, the decree on immigrants, the decree on law societies, the decree on Sovereigns, the decree on images, the decree on networks, the decree on affiliations and the decree on beneficiaries; All of H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's] Starships and Motherships and properties are for the Military Defense of the United Kingdom of New Israel, his people, his properties, himself and his G_d in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses. Activate the decree on collagen, the decree on the lens, the decree on muscle, the decree on oxygen, the decree on alternating frequencies, the decree on crystalline diamond DNA on Adonai YHWH Elohim on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

272.Activate the decree on touch together with the decree on networks in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

273.Activate the decree on liquids, the decrees on primary data, the decree on affiliations, the decrees on haptic sensors, the decrees on the blockchain, the extra decrees on touch and the decree on primary data, the decrees on immigrants, the decrees on distance, the decrees on deception, the decrees on CBRN, the decrees on lawsuits, the decrees on race, the decrees on ethnicity, the decrees on security clearance, the decrees on fingerprints, the decrees on shadow people, the decrees on bionic eyes, the decrees on pollution, the decrees on property rights, the decrees on ownership, the decree on the freeze, the decrees on uniforms, the decrees on onvego, the decrees on stalkers, the decree on conspirators, the decrees on profession, the decrees on immunity, the decrees on posters, the decrees on vandalism, the decrees on logbooks, the decrees on satellites, the decrees on dimensions, the decree on geodata, the decree on timestamps, the extra decree on body mass, the decrees on metadata, the decrees on GMT +2, the decrees on clones, the decrees on masks, the decrees on sexual harassment, the decrees on ownership, the decrees on beneficiaries, the decrees on video court link, the decrees on perjury, the decrees on sniffer dogs, the decrees on secondary data, the decrees on audio, the decrees on images, the decree on espionage, the decrees on tunnels, the decrees on kosher compliance, the decree on metadata, the decree on time stamps, the decrees on logic, the decree on committees, and determine from whose body is matter coming from in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

274.Activate the decrees on onvego, the decrees on blockchain, the decrees on video court link, the decrees on ICC, the decrees on ICJ, the decrees on conspirators, the decree on ethnicity, the decree on personal dashboard, the individual's home address, the individual's religion, the individual's highest education credential, the decree on speakers, the individual's real time address, the decrees on vandalism, the decrees on profession, the decrees on blockchain, the decrees on primary data, the committee on relevance, the decrees on secondary data, the decrees on digital passports, the decrees on networks, the decrees on digital I.Ds, the decrees on occupation, the decrees on names, the decrees on CBRN, the decrees on geodata, the decrees on timestamps, the decrees on metadata, the decrees on affiliation, the decrees on proxy, the decrees on citizenship on audio in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

275.Activate the decree on timestamps, the decrees on primary data, the decrees on images, the decrees on documents, the decrees on contracts, the decrees on citizenship, the decrees on marital status, the decrees on affiliation, the decrees on proxies, the decrees on networks in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

276.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain and in white envelopes stored on the blockchain, create a database of what light technologies, audio, mass, biological and physical technologies patents do our citizens, State of Israel and H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I have in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and under H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust. Activate the decree on timestamps, the decree on Iron Swords, the decree on espionage, the decrees on distance, the decree on the pineal gland, the decrees on touch, the decrees on dimensions, the decree on satellites, the decree on bombs, the decree on blockchain, the decree on GMT +2, the decree on defunct, the decree on returning fire, the decree on property rights, the decree on United Nations Security Council, the decree on law societies, the decree on occupation, the decrees on moving military assets, the decree on kyoto protocol, the decrees on international organizations, the decree on fingerprints, the decrees on the bionic eye, the decree on the lens, the decree on Starship ocean, the decree on the New Galilee, the decree on date of birth, the decree on age, the decrees on beneficiaries, the decree on ethnicity, the decree on terrorist infrastructure, the decrees on images, the decrees on sovereigns, the decree on security clearance, the decrees on immigration, the decree on ethnicity, the decree on assassination, the decree on intellectual property rights in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

277.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on timestamps, the decree on images, the decree on the pineal gland, the decree on media stations, the decree on the bionic eye, the decrees on espionage, the decree on defunct, the decree the decree on audio, the decree on law societies, the decree on the Israeli flag, the decree on the placard, the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on posters, the decree on digital passports,  the decree on immigrant, the decree on portraits, the decree on Pleiadean technology, the decree on GMT +2, the decree on metadata, the decree on geodata, and the decree on CBRN, and block foreign CBRN not from IDF, Israel Police, Israel Air Force, and Israel Navy in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

278.Activate the decree on security clearance, the decree on ownership and display above people's heads whether they are trespassing in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

279.Activate precision attacks that can scale the impact of missiles from cars, houses, neighborhoods to cities and activate the decree on international humanitarian law in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

280.The Pleiadean upgrades applied to the whole population only apply to people who believe in G_d and only worship one G_d Adonai YWHW Elohim. Activate the decree on deception and the decree on downgrades in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

281.Activate Diplomatic Protocol for H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] and our Sovereign King Adonai YHWH Elohim Lion of Judah in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

282.Convert the whole of Buruburu Phase 3 - 5 courts into an Israel Defense Forces Army Base on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

283.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on metadata, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on timestamps the decree property rights on all patents owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

284.Claiming Aliyah cannot apply to members of terrorist organizations, activate this in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

285.Activate the decree on primary data from the blockchain, the decree on affiliations, the decree on deception, the decree on networks, the decree on proxies and then activate visa free travel for members of the Commonwealth of Israel Nations in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

286.Activate the decree on security clearance on documents belonging to H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I [H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I] in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

287.Activate the decrees on groping together with the decree on prostitution in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

288.Activate the decree on  video court link and the decree on assassination on IDF, Israel Police, Israel Air Force and the Israeli Civil Service that get radicalized in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

289.Activate the decree on primary data together with the decree on secondary data on all the sovereign decrees in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

290.Activate the decrees on human trafficking, detect cases of human trafficking in hospitals with emphasis on eye care specialists, opticians and ophthalmologists, activate the decree on extortion, the decree on documents, the decree on timestamps, the decree on security clearance, the decree on metadata, the decree on fingerprints, the decrees on contracts, the decrees on haptic sensors and touch and the decrees on all hospitals in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and  in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities also together with decree 44.

291.Activate the thermometer on the personal dashboard and use haptic sensors, the decree on timestamps, metadata, the decrees on DNA, the decree on counts of rape and aggregate it, the decree on sniffer dogs and detect male and female hormones together with it to detect foreigners inside people's bodies. Activate the decree on immigrants and the decree on liquids, the decree on body mass in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and in the whole Universe  also together with decree 44 and display this information on screens. Activate the Commonwealth of Israel Charter principle on collective security in all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities.

292.In white envelopes activate the decree on avatars, the decree on affiliations, the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on fingerprints, the decree on security clearance, the decree on citizenship, the decrees on audio, the decree on sniffer dogs, the decree on primary data, the decree on secondary data, the decree on light bodies, the decree on geodata, the decree on blockchain, the decree on haptic sensors and match with DNA to produce profile pictures on DNA samples to prevent cases of framing people and perjury in courts. Activate the Commonwealth of Israel Charter principle on collective security in all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities.

293.Activate the decree on security clearance on people entering people's bodies together with affiliation, the decree on logic, the decree on immigrants, the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on light bodies, the decree on physicals bodies, the decree on contracts, the decree on documents.

294.Build shelters that cannot be destroyed for people to take cover in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on rockets, the decree security clearance, the decrees on extortion, the decrees on touch, the decree on U.V radiation, and the decrees on sexual harassment in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and  in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities also together with decree 44. Roll a communication form and ask the question to people; who are you taking cover from?

295.Upgrade the drainage systems in all bathrooms, floors, water catchment and treatment systems, air conditioning, ventilation and activate the decree on the lens, the decree on property rights, decree 608 and the decree on tunnels in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities also together with decree 44; the named items, goods, properties, professions, tools, inventions, natural occurrences in the environment, services, rights, laws, human resources are to be repaired, sewed, wiped when spills occur and provided be if need and beings left to operate in liberalism with them. Provide protective light body and physical body tools for legal, spiritual and physical protection, development and advancement. Activate helmets and hats for all professions also and protect: pilots, sailors, air force, navy, breathing masks, torches, lamps, bulbs, Bluetooth communication systems UV protected sunglasses, seals, stamps, maps, smart watches, under wear, belts, USBs, alarms, body guards, security detail, memory cards, multiverses, universes, dimensions, nose, USB ports, tokens, shekel notes, evidence, cryptocurrencies, binoculars, instruments, micro scopes, TVs, United Kingdom of New Israel CBRN, Placards, tags, stations, lawyers, international law, public international lawyers, attorney general, ombudsman, witnesses, judges, apps, lens, telescopes, brains, fruits, plants, crop circles, star systems, animals, children, lighters, nail clippers, courts, international courts, memories, technology, crafts, applications, energy cube, application forms, applicants, arrest warrants, clouds, atmosphere, climate, sovereigns, sovereignty, drainage pumps, planets, weather, internet, weapons, guns, uniforms, health services, Jewish Music, Hebraic customary law, Israeli Ministries, Knesset, treaties, Cabinet, Castles, helicopter service, hotel service, helicopter booking service, online money transfer services, mobile money services, eyes, eye apps, atmosphere apps, spines, number plates, smart phones, convoys, cards, races, dental care, perfumes, strap bow ties, positions, appointments, appointees, bow tie shirts, faces, silicon, nuclear reactors, weather manipulators, fingerprints, lawyer client trust accounts, lawsuits, labels, law firms, time zones, representatives, red notices, ownership, lights, legal battle wins, baby products, toys, sovereignty, Key of David, Sword of God, Metatron Cube, Seal of Elohim Jupiter, decrees, chandlers, pots, pillars, limousine service, diplomatic protocol, flight service, flight service, car service, gas pipes, shoes, sandals, fiber optic cables, car flight logistics service, beneficiary status, fountains, roads, museums, skeletons, signatures, postures, play grounds, licenses, helicopters, aero planes, fiber optic, digestion systems, nervous systems, under ocean communication systems, composure, alarms, identities, security clearance, culture, synagogues, languages, mines, cigarettes, streets, ethnicity, privacy, accents, pockets, intellectual property, restraint orders, Akashic records, clients, witnesses, galaxies, constellations, central sun energies, what we one consents to and doesn't consent to, floors, ground, bank accounts, signatures, intelligence, evidence, cities, Torah, laws, throats, manhood, aura, produce, joints, bodies, souls, internal bodies, interior designs, music, nations, ships, souls, humor, frequencies, platforms, conferences, microphones, ear pods, properties, air supply, bank statements, blockchain, faces, cleanliness, light switches, windows, realm, oxygen, storage facilities, timestamps, food, air supply systems, islands, stamps, transcripts, certificates, degrees, masters degrees, allies, flags, planes, animal rights, contracts, signatures, affiliations, documents, DNA, human rights, diplomatic immunities and privileges, convoys, cars, Arch of the Covenant, New Jerusalem, Jerusalem, humanitarians, tanks, roads, ideal weight, trustees, trusts, Pleiadean technology, Telepathic downloads, jackets, buildings, houses, satellites, back packs, services, social status, beneficiary status, chargers, equipment, charging cables, 5D Gaia, solar panels, fountains, portraits, torches, seats, sexual harassment complaints, military assets, tanks, dishes, notes, books, flag posts, treasuries, fields, gyms, companies, occurrence books, gym equipment, training, tooth paste, religion, sound quality, recipes, Israeli water, Israeli soil, visual quality, tooth brushes, earphones, cash, pens, pencils, pets, fur, brushes, handbags, suitcases, drawing boards, deed polls, boards, human resources, computer parts, luggage, globes, shelters, starships, motherships, electric charging stations, electronic and magnetic levitation trains, gadgets, debit cards, marker pens, digital assets, laptops, chains, symbols, latitude, altitude, shoe laces, keys, buttons, blood, body parts, nerves, pineal glands (3rd eye), vehicles, vehicle parts, doors, monuments, bones, jewels, gemstones, rings, cups, trophies, emblems, official seals, King Solomon Seals, Jewish Seals, Colors, Metaverse Animations,  Avatars, Arch Angel Seals, socks, clothes, suits, ties, trousers, pants, coats, crafts, colors, zips, shirts, silver, gold, copper, minerals, blankets, beds, mattress, bed sheets, right to privacy, websites, pillow cases, furniture, cutlery, braces, hair, lashes, wigs, nails, beards, organs, jewelry and wallets with the same protection as the phone and credit card decree, passports, I.Ds, digital I.Ds, digital I.Ds for institutions with blockchain chips, digital passports, digital laissez passer, Hebrew calendar, hydration clean water, with natural juices grapes, mint and pineapple, extra virgin olive oil ointment is for anti bacterial benefits for the hands, chest, armpits, the back, soles of the feet, sanitation; hands & nails, and gloves on the ground, activate green spacious transport systems with no squeezing and groping and foreign cables, police to prevent pick pockets, comfortable clothing, and shield our work force and ports and activate the decree stolen items, the decree on 741 hz together with this and vaporize foreign liquids and blow away foreign fumes immediately from people trying to spit. Activate the decree on conspirators, the decree on murder (there's no suicide), the decree on audio, the decree on human trafficking, the video court link decree and prevent these human traffickers from stealing with their obsessive non sense non existent relationships.

296.Build electric car charging ports in petrol stations in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and in starships in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44. When a vehicle runs out of electricity and people are stranded summon motherships with charging ports from calls of distress.

297.Activate distance decrees on members of the public who do not want to be touched by strangers in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.
298.When mounting on Defense on enemies  always detect where I am at use metadata, geodata, the decree on timestamps and GMT +2 DLS GMT +3 , the decree on digital assets, the decree on metaverse and activate it with , the decree on DNA, the decrees on digital passports, the decrees on digital I.Ds, the decrees on  the decree on crystalline diamond DNA, laissez-passer, the decrees on CBRN, the decrees on avatars, the decree on not switching off anything, the decrees on frequencies, the decrees on the bionic eye, the decrees on posters, the decrees on drainage systems, , the decree on drainage pumps, the decree on graffiti, the decree on food, the decree on distance, the decree on Pleiadean technology, the decree on the pineal gland, the decrees on audio, the decrees on masks and clones in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

299.Activate the decree on personal dashboards and add a yellow ribbon to the shortcuts, the decree on digital passports and activate the decree on rescuing hostages with the button in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

300.Place the ownership of Argo suits Israel under IDF on H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust and always transport H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] in the light body first to safe locations; castles, hotels, conferences, flights, car rides, properties, dining rooms, resorts first and then activate decree 521, check how many light cards have been ordered and activate the decree on protecting debit cards and activate security detail decree on the physical body to those services in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

301.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on networks, the decree on proxies and display what uniforms they are wearing on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

302.Activate defense mode on all IDF, Israel Police, Israel Navy, and Israel Air Force, H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] and his security detail, decree on the bionic eye and activate health services, the decrees on sovereignty and the decree on the kick in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities also together with decree 44.

303.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on marital status, the decree on relationship status and detect infiltrators inside H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's body.

304.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on citizenship, the decree on occupation, the decree on education credentials, the decree on transcripts, the decree on lawyers, the decree on blockchain, the decree on compromise, the decree on documents, the decree on contracts, the decree on corruption, the decree on deception, the decree on radicalization, using a list of all political party members in Jerusalem automatically appoint the best public international lawyers, commissioner of oaths and notary public lawyers under H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I [H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I] in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and on another list appoint people who are not members of political parties to international organizations on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities.

305.Israel Police Motherships, Israel Police Starships from now henceforth nobody should enter H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's body in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

306.Activate the decree on primary data from the blockchain and activate Military Police on all IDF Bases in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

307.Activate the decree on defunct, the decree on documents, the decree on contracts, the decree on corruption, the decree on fake stamp and on screens display a list of all companies, small businesses, sole proprietors, banks, partnerships, non governmental organizations, international organizations, public private partnerships and organizations as well as the amount of money in their bank accounts and indicate where they got those funds in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and show their directors, shareholders, staff, their licenses, how much they have in their bank accounts and where they got the funds on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities together with decree 44.

308.Activate the decree on affiliations and the decrees on human trafficking on properties owned by H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I. Human traffickers with affiliations belonging to terrorist organizations have invaded my properties and are even printing my original cards. They talk to people in the light body but in the physical body they act as if they do not know what is happening.

309.Activate the decree on timestamps on DNA in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

310.Activate the decree to do with affiliations and starve to death all the terrorists in the physical body and in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

311.Activate the decree on returning fire, the decrees on affiliations, the decree on logic and the extra decrees on proxies from a institutional level, systematic level and infrastructure level in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

312.Sovereign Decree on Data Breaching: Activate the decree on blockchain the decree on primary and secondary data, the decree on timestamps, the decree on metadata, the decree on emails, the decree on fingerprints, the decree on DNA, the decree on contracts, the decree on documents, the decree on audio, the decree on clones, the decree on masks and detect security breaches in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44. Activate the Treaty of Westphalia and the decree on auctioning.

313.Activate the decree on blockchain, the decree on data breaching and the decree on security clearance in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

314.Publish all appointments on all TV stations in the United Kingdom of New Israel and use primary data from the blockchain. Activate the decree on the fake stamp on non existent appointments in all multidimensional units and densities on loop in the present.

315.Set all bionic eyes to flash Arch Angel Seals and the Jewish Seals with a blue aura torch in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

316.Activate the decree on age, the decree on weight and set the average height of a 21 year old for those that transform in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

317.Mount a heavy defense on people with affiliations to terrorist organizations whenever H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I is offered alcohol by people or when foreign liquids are introduced to his body. Activate the decree on DNA, and the extra decree on vaporizing foreign liquids in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

318.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on protecting the public and protect properties owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust and citizens of the United Kingdom of New Israel from airplanes falling down in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

319.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on conspirators and activate the decrees on IDF Caesarea on people who conspire to smear calcium or throw dirt, oil spills, petroleum spills, spit, release feces, inject with needles, ejaculate on things, puke,  urinate, on people's bodies, people's clothes, their gadgets, food, shopping, books, phones, beds, laptops, TV sets, cars, bed rooms, bathrooms, sitting rooms, blankets, bed sheets or make people smell or touch people with their body odor from their private parts or breathes, this is a method they use to get people attacked by foreign CBRN. Activate the decree on masturbation, the decree on Iron Swords, the decrees on sexual harassment and decree 608 and the decree on protecting the public as well and counter and clean the mess in the whole Universe and all infinite multiverses on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

320.Activate the decree to do with sovereigns on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

321.Activate the decree on committee on relevance, the decree on fake stamps and the decree on audio on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

322.Activate the decree on committee on relevance, the decree on fake stamps, the decrees on international organizations, the decrees on documents, the decree on contracts and the decree on audio on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

323.If a screen hangs switch it off and turn it on after 12 minutes but relay information through other means in the meantime on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities together with decree 44.

324.Headshots should be on the top of the head with 777 Merkabah and 7777 Merkabah bullets. Open fire non stop on individuals who try to imitate H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I and how he dressed on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

325.Gadfin Health services and Defense Mode, and the decree on the kick on all IDF, Shin Bet, Security detail, Mossad, Israel Navy, Israel Air Force, H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I Security detail, State of Israel Public Authorities Security detail, and Israel Police should be activated on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

326.Activate the decree on the lens on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

327.Activate the Iron Dome, IDF Caesarea, the decree on Iron Swords and tear gas with olive oil on whoever tries to reach or damage H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's pineal gland, brain, throat and eyes, call back up and reinforcements when necessary on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

328.Activate the extra decrees on proxies, the decrees on affiliations, the decree on primary data, the decree on the blockchain, the decree on international humanitarian law, the decree on precision, and activate Israel Air Force on them on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

329.Activate haptic sensors, the decrees on DNA and initiate lawsuits on groping and spilling bodily liquids on H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I, State of Israel Public Officials, Israeli civil servants and international organization staff and appointees on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

330.Activate the decree on primary data and the decree on the blockchain. Activate the decree debt and the extra decree on display, the decree on intrusion, the decree on contracts, the decree on documents, the decree on lawyers, the decree on execute function, the decree on marital status, the decree on prostitution, the decree on relationship status, the decree on parents, the decree on unsolicited blowjobs, the decree on groping, the decree on offspring, the decree on sponsoring attacks, the decree on shadow people, the decree on obstruction and display everybody's debts owed from taxes to lawsuits to the State of Israel and H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust above their heads and where the debts are being incurred from and how much they have in their bank accounts, where they got those funds from and how much their network is worth and have in their bank accounts and where they got those funds from on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

331.Activate haptic sensors, the decrees on DNA, the decrees on sniffer dogs, the decree on affiliation, and initiate lawsuits on groping and spilling bodily liquids on people's bodies, laptops, computers, phones, devices, diving gear, air supply gear, cards, beds, beddings, pillows, pillow cases, hands, wallets, boats, ships, weapons, vehicles, tanks, swords, houses, properties, aircraft, furniture, utensils, shoes, flip flops, and clothing with an intention on smearing and spreading uncleanliness on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel also together with decree 44.

332.Activate the digital i.ds decree, the digital passports decree and then activate together with google earth, google maps and the decrees on New Israel $hilling NI$, the decrees on Shekel, the decrees on DNA, the decrees on debt, the decrees on Israel Police, the decrees on Israel Navy, the decrees on Israel Air Force, the decrees on IDF, the decrees on destroying terrorist infrastructure, the decrees on frequencies, the decree on 444 hz, the decrees on Unit 8200, the decrees on Duvdevan, the decrees on IAI communications, the decrees on Duvdevan cybercrime unit, the decrees on Starships and Motherships on 7th dimension, the decrees on touch, the decrees on the pineal gland, and the extra decree on law societies. Activate this extra decree on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

333.Having a Metamask address is now a legal requirement like having an I.D. Activate this extra decree on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

334.Cancel existing contracts in mining of silver and award companies registered in the United Kingdom of New Israel via contracts to mining silver in South of Big Israel, and countries in the Commonwealth of Israel international organization and countries in the Organization of Renewable Energy Countries contracts in priority and activate this decree on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

335.Activate the decree on iai communications, and mount a defense on whoever tries to destroy iai communications infrastructure. Activate the decree on conspirators on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

336.Activate the decree on subsidies, the decree on affiliations, the decree on citizenship, and the decree on terrorist financing on people who want to take subsidies on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

337.Activate Unit 8200 on iai communications and IDF CBRN Full HD 3rd eye Pleiadean  technology military assets together with the decree on satellites on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

338.Activate the decree on ideal height, body weight and activate the decree on logic on proportionality on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

339.Activate the decrees to do with immigrants and deportation together with the decree on defunct on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

340.Activate the decree on debts, the decree on interest, the decree on primary data, the decree on the blockchain and make deductions based on the actual market value of goods and services that are offered to H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I] and consider the value of goods or services that have been offered to these individuals before by Fredrik Zion His Majesty on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

341.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the blockchain, the decree on highest education qualification, the decree on transcripts, the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on network and stamp with nullified credentials belonging to terrorists on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

342.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the blockchain and activate all United Kingdom of New Israel Sovereign Decrees and Extra Decrees from the blockchain forever on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

343.Activate the decree on stolen items on loop in the present together with the decree on protecting the public in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

344.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on Blockchain and the decree on crystalline diamond DNA and the decree on muscles on all Israelis without an affiliation to a terrorist organisation. Activate the decree on the downgrade and the decree on affiliations on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

345.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on Blockchain, the decree on geodata, the decree on spitting, the decree on protecting the public and the decree on DNA, and summon Israel Police Motherships and Israel Police Starships and inititate lawsuits on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities on people spitting on people in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

346.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on Blockchain and the decree on defunct countries, the decree on international organizations, the decree on companies and stamp defunct on old documents and signatures no longer in use on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities on people spitting on people in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

346.Activate the decree on the gay man inside H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's body on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities on people spitting on people in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

347.Activate the decree on information sharing on all law societies, city law societies and bar associations with regards to the United Kingdom of New Russia map on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities on people spitting on people in the whole world.

348.There shall be no government borrowing in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities

349.Display how much everyone has in their bank accounts in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and activate the decrees on Star of David on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities together with decree 44.

350.Activate the decree on law societies, the decrees on GMT +2, and the decree on affiliations. Renovate all properties owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust with the interior design, TVs, screens, rooms and furniture from H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] Virtual Office as appropriate, set the screens not to be able to be adjusted manually or by bionic eyes and activate the decree on portraits, the decree on New Israel $hilling (NI$), the decree on ajudaica perfumes too on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

351.Activate the decree on implants, the decree on terrorist infrastructure, the decree on Bluetooth speakers, the decree in primary and secondary data and detect microphones and speakers planted by terrorists on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

352.Activate the decree on military assets, the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on geodata and protect H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I funds in his Mossad lawyer client trust account, funds in the Israeli Treasury, funds and notes of H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki minted by Bank of Israel from being moved by terrorists, extortionists, prostitutes and thieves and copy Unit 8200, and IDF Duvdevan Cybercrime Unit on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

353.Protect all websites, IAI communications and digital maps owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust and Israeli citizens with IDF, IDF Duvdevan and Unit 8200 on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

354.Activate the decree on emails, the decree on terrorist infrastructure, on all websites and social media handles in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44  on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities.

355.Activate the decree on defunct, the decree on weapons and seize all guns, weapons and ammunition in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel from defunct governments on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities.

356.Activate the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on CBRN, the decree on digital passports and display them above one's wrists whenever they get summoned anywhere and the CBRN that summoned them there and activate the extra decree 845 on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

357.Activate the decree on property rights on documents owned by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

358.Activate the decree on protecting the public, the decree on murder, the decree on satellites, the decree on geodata, the decree on conspirators on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

359.Activate the decree on primary data, Blockchain, the decree on affiliations, the decree on images and texts and restore all images belonging to transgenders, Israeli civil servants, the Israeli flag itself, Ambassadors, IDF, Israel Police, Israel Air Force, Israel Navy, Mossad, Shin Bet, H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I; his flag and all his appointees to their original colors without filters and activate the decrees on bionic eyes on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

360.Activate the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on primary data, the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on networks, the decree on leadership position, the decree on immunity status, the decree on satellites, the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on geodata and then share a list of all terrorists and their former titles five days a week using the decree on information sharing with Knesset, National Security Council Israel, Ministry of Interior Israel, Ministry of National Security, and Ministry of Defence Israel with statistics and pie charts on the rate of radicalisation on all divisions in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel; show how many are radicalised in Small Israel vs the total population in Small Israel and how many are radicalised in Big Israel vs the total population in Big Israel. Also display statistics on who are the top men and women on radicalising people, how much money they have stolen and extorted the Israeli Treasury, Bank of Israel and from H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] Mossad lawyer client trust account, how much if that money has been recovered and their real time GPS coordinates and addresses in the physical body and light body, their former titles and indicate whether they are currently State or Non - State Actors, their immunity status, their immigration status, which organisation is responsible for their CBRN military grade energy directed weapons propagation and the GPS coordinates of where the CBRN are broadcasted from. Activate the decree on merkava tanks, the extra voice sovereign decree on the heat and security detail for H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki [H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I] on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities.

361.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on bombs, the decree on satellites, the decree on soft drinks, the decree on merkava tanks and patrol New Jerusalem in the United Kingdom of New Israel and protect H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities.

362.Haptic sensors should detect touch inside and outside the body, Motherships, and Starships on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

363.Activate the decree on primary and secondary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on CBRN, the decree on media stations, and display on the map where CBRN military grade energy directed weapons are coming from citing intensity on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

364.The age of consent to sex is 17, bars should be converted into cafes and marijuana clubs while alcohol should only be sold in hotels in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on all multidimensional units and densities on loop in the present.

365.Upgrade the voting systems to Blockchain voting systems for national elections and real estate, and land records on the Blockchain on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

366.Activate the extra decree 845 on whoever shoots down Israeli satellites and launch missiles on their satellites also on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

367.Activate the decree on education credentials and display when people joined university and graduated on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

368.Activate the decree on compromise on all Israeli Embassies worldwide and all Israeli civil servants that post on official Israeli social media handles. Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on images, the decree on facial recognition and share with Mossad if any terrorist is posted on Israeli social media accounts on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

369.New Jerusalem River designated GPS coordinates 1.1997° S, 37.1571° E via a sovereign decree (extra) on all multidimensional units and densities.

370.Activate the decree on GMT +2 DLS GMT +3, the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on Starship Ocean, the decree on the New Galilee and set the date of the Hebrew calendar and the whole United Kingdom of New Israel to 17,025 on all multidimensional units and densities and activate the decree on information sharing on anyone in the country who wants to know the date and time.

371.Activate the decree on arrow systems, the decree on geodata, the decree on dark Knight satellites, the decree on conspirators, the decree on satellites, and the decree on CBRN and take down enemy missiles on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

372.Activate the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on primary data, and the decree on the Knesset speaker on all sovereign decrees and extra decrees on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

373.Activate all decrees to do with privileges and immunities, collagen, crystal diamond DNA and security detail on H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I on Adonai YHWH Elohim on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

374.Deploy Israel Navy, Submarines and INS Magen and secure Big Israel and Small Israel and then activate the decree on primary data,  the decree on geodata, the decree on health services, the decree on rockets, the decree on sovereigns, the decree on law societies, the decree on air supply, the decree on the kick, the decree on eating, the decree on firing back, the decree leakages, the decree satellites, the decree decree on drainage pumps, the decree on the energy cube, the decree on oil spills, the decree on red notices, the decree on weapons, decree 608 on the ship and weapons, the decree on frequencies, the decree on food, the decree on uniforms, the decree on occupation, the decree on security clearance, the decree on citizenship, the decree on names, the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on former titles, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on Starship Ocean, the decree on the New Galilee, the decree on the New Jerusalem River, the decree on law societies, the decree on social media and display the map of Israel with Small Israel and Big Israel always on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

375.Activate the decree on 777 merkabah bullets, the decree on affiliations, the decree on protecting the public and open fire on dinosaur's anus whenever they try to poop on people on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

376.Activate the decree on Magav border police, Individuals with affiliations belonging to terrorist organisations are pulling the fences up on the borders, upgrade border security and build a wall along the borders of the United Kingdom of New Israel on all multidimensional units and dimensions.

377.Activate the decree on age, the decree on clones, the decree on masks on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

378.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on images, the decree on security clearance, the decree on geodata, the decree on air leaks, the decree on property rights, the decree on intellectual property, the decree on CBRN, the decree on CCTV, the decree on digital assets, the decree on the metaverse, the decree on IOT, the decree on fake communications, the decree on unauthorized communications, the decree on date of birth, the decree on facial recognition, the decree on the committee on relevance, the decree on Knesset, the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on networks, the decree on Citizenship, the decrees on Mossad, the decrees on IDF Ceasarea, the decrees on the Knesset speaker, extra decree 845, the decree on metadata, the decree on the 4th dimension, the decrees on the pineal gland, the decrees on display, the decrees on shadow people, the decrees on obstruction, the decrees on defense mode, the decree on the kick, the decrees on committees, the decrees on Israeli civil servants, the decrees on international organizations, the decrees on foreign aid, the decrees on no borrowing, the decree on Treaty of Westphalia, the decree on auctioning, the decree on timestamps, the decree on avators, the decree on masks, the decree on age, the decree on clones, the decree on impersonators, the decree on stamps, the decree on emails, the decree on social media, the decree on websites and also detect what I.P address hackers and terrorists are using and what documents they are publishing on websites, the metaverse, mobile applications and social media on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

379.H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's] security detail should follow him throughout the day and night and prevent anyone from touching his body, entering his body, entering his properties / room, or sleeping on his bed and then activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on ajudaica perfumes, the decrees on offspring, the decree on the taser, the decrees on emails, decrees on distance, decrees on restraint orders, the decrees on siblings, the decrees on ethnicity, the decrees on sponsoring attacks, the decrees on salutation, the decrees on girls, the decrees on relationships, the decrees on relationship status, the decrees on marital status, the decrees on shadow people, the decrees on compromise, the decrees on occupation, the decrees on red notices, the decrees destroying terrorists infrastructure, the decrees on clones, the decrees on masks, the decrees on H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I real time GPS coordinates, the decrees on groping, the decrees on uniforms, the decrees on weapons, the decrees on immigrants, the decrees on defense mode, the decrees on sovereigns, the decrees on haptic sensors, the decrees on health services, the decrees on the gay man, the decree on leadership positions and activate the audio extra decree on the siren and summon Yamam Israel on the same terrorists who come near H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I and his security detail on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

380.Activate the decree on prostitution with the Iron Sword on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

381.Activate the decree on Jewish Agency, the decree on CBRN, the decree on affiliations, the decree on networks, the decree on proxies and activate the 35th Paratroopers Brigade in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel starting with New Jerusalem in Big Israel. H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I was illegally arrested (kidnapped) by police in 17,024 of a defunct government with ties to terrorist organisations that seeks to occupy the United Kingdom of New Israel and cause a holocaust.

382.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on geodata, the decree on audio, the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on networks, the decree on CBRN, the decree on Arrow Systems, the decrees on the Iron Dome, the decree on Air Laura, the decree cleanliness, the decree on health services, the decree on sovereigns, the decree on moving military assets, the decree on maps, the decree on international humanitarian law, the decree on bombs, the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on law societies, the decrees on security detail, the decrees on stolen items, the decrees on defunct countries, the decrees on Treaty of Westphalia, the decrees on auctioning, the decrees on international law, the decree on mining, the decrees on contracts, the decrees on documents, the decrees on stamps, the decrees on the O.B, the decrees on hostages, the decrees on the pineal gland, the decree on sniffer dogs, the decree on Iron Swords activated when weapons get dirty, the decrees on DNA, the decree on Starship Ocean, the decree on ajudaica perfumes, the decree on olive oil, the decree on airports, the decrees on properties under H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust, the decree on Ophanim, the decree on snipers, the decree on the metatron cube, the decree on primary and secondary data, the decree on media stations, the decree on proportion, the decree on electricity tokens, the decree on the bionic eye, the decree on Star of David, the decree on Israel Tax Authority, the decree on water, the decree on leakages, the decrees on transport, the decree on foreign aid, the decree on magen david adom, the decree on Israeli Air Force, the decree on Israel Navy, the decrees on Israel Police, the decree on the convoy, the decree on bounty, the decree on pamphlets, the decree on the New Jerusalem River, the decree on Mt.Zion and activate 89th "OZ" Brigade to protect Israeli national and economic interests, settlements and H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] in the newly gained territories in Big Israel and Small Israel, use the snowballing research methodology to get to physical bodies of wanted people, in all multidimensional units and densities on loop in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

383.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decrees on affiliation, the decrees on ownership, the decrees on Beneficiaries, the decrees on obstruction, the decrees on intrusion, the decrees on frequencies, the decrees on shadow people, the decree on the Trustee, the decrees on property rights, the decree on geodata, the decrees on renovation, the decrees on number plates, the decrees on contracts, the decrees on hebrew, the decrees on graffiti, the decrees on the metatron cube, the decrees on maps, the decrees on law societies, the decrees on 89th Oz Brigade,  the decrees on Israel Police, the decrees on video court link, the decree on conspirators, the decrees on hostages, the decrees on cables, the decrees on protecting the public, the decrees on vandalism, the decrees on Israel Prison Service, the decrees on human trafficking, the decrees on documents, the decree on arrests, the decrees on the Occurrence Book, the decrees on leadership positions, the decrees on pleaidian technology, the decree on ajudaica perfumes, the decrees on New Israel $hilling (NI$), the decree on cleaning services, the decree on logic, the decree on IDF Engineering Corp, the decrees on pollution, the decrees on trespassing, the decrees on destroying terrorist infrastructure, the decree on tunnels, the decrees on the lens, the decrees on tools, the decrees on olive oil, the decrees on collagen, the decrees on transport, the decrees on Magen David Adom, the decrees on electricity tokens, the decrees on monuments, the decree on protecting synagogues, the decrees on international humanitarian law, the decrees on rape, the decrees on sexual harassment, the decrees on groping, the decree on water, the decrees on leakages, the decrees on sky beam, the decrees on clothes, the decrees on electric charging ports, the decrees on licenses, the decrees on sky shield, the decree on food, the decree on kosher compliance, the decree on lawyers, the decree recycling, and the decree on stolen items, and then map where the bar defense systems should be mounted and where there are rivers, forests, hills, mountains, slums, worn down estates without modern facilities for children & adults, roads, power plants and hospitals that need to be upgraded under public private partnerships (PPPs) and places that need to be repainted & renamed, energy plants whose Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) need to be renegotiated, where street children, street people and people who require aid from the Israeli government are situated because nobody without an affiliation to a terrorist organisation should face structural violence in the form of iniquity, sleep hungry or in the streets or lack basic human needs including access to health care in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units and densities and activate this extra decree together with decree 44.

384.Activate the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on primary data, the decree on kosher compliance and also activate the Israeli constitution and its laws on matters to do with seeds, seedlings, agriculture, cattle & animal rearing, and food security in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units and densities on loop in the present.

385.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, decree 4, the decrees on CBRN and hide every display from people with foreign CBRN capabilities not from Israeli government and state unless it involves their deportation, eviction, restraint orders, red notices, stamps, fake communications, unauthorized communications, debt, arrest, extradition or cease and desist orders together with decree 44 in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units and densities on loop in the present.

386.Activate the decree on eviction notices on all settlement residential houses bought and held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust via H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I Mossad Lawyer Client Trust Account in New Jerusalem in Big Israel meant for Israeli settlers and soldiers moving from Small Israel or claiming Aliyah in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in all multidimensional units and densities on loop in the present.

387.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on affiliations, the decree on networks, the decree on proxies, sovereign decree 521, the decree on red notices, the decree on age, the decree on masks, the decree on clones, the decrees on audio, the decree on CCTV, the decree on geodata, the decrees on maps, the decree on social media, and the decree on avators on loop in the present in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on all multidimensional units and densities.

388.Activate onvego and then activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on social media, the decree on audio, the decree on lawsuits on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

389.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on social media, the decree on placards, the decrees on international law, the decree on law societies, the decree on maps, the decree on Treaty of Westphalia, the decree on auctioning on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

390.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on Blockchain, the decree on beneficiaries, the decree on trustees, the decree on documents, the decree on contracts, the decree on avators, the decree on websites, the decree on emails, the decree on the metaverse, the decree on age, the decree on clones, the decree on impersonators, the decree on masks, the decree on geodata, the decree on ownership, the decree on digital assets, the decree on moving military assets and initiate lawsuits on people using bionic eyes to control physical and digital assets, goods, and services that do not belong to them in the physical world, on the cyber, on the metaverse, on augmented reality, and on virtual reality on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

391.In white envelopes on the Blockchain activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on metadata, the decree on timestamps, the decree on geodata on H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I's (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I's) memories, together with the decree on protecting the public on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

392.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on emails, the decree on websites, the decree on pleaidian technology and migrate all websites under H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust to Blockchain domains and web 3.0 on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

393.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on audio, the decree on protecting the public, the decree on stolen items on the things that H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] trades with members of the public on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

394.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on security clearance, the decree on trespassing, the decree on stolen items and initiate lawsuits on theives bought by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

395.Activate 741 hz on all food in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

396.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on clones, the decree on masks, the decree on age, the decree on avators, the decree on CCTV, sovereign decree 724, the decree on defense mode, the decree on the kick, the decree on collagen, the decree on health services, sovereign decree 916, the decree on affiliations, the decree on shooting non stop and open fire head shots with machine guns on top leaders of terrorist organisations in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

397. Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on protecting the public, the decree on the Akashik records, and the decree on the memory book and get rid of induced amnesia from the public on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

398.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on occupation, the decree on leadership positions, the decree on international organizations, the decree on affiliations, the decree on geodata, the decrees to do with satellites, the decrees to do with defunct countries, the decrees to do with digital I.Ds, the decrees to do with immigration status, the decrees to do with red notices, the decrees to do with ICC, the decrees on physical bodies, the decrees on light bodies, the decree on stamps, the decree on security clearance, the decree on age, the decree on clones, the decree on masks, the decree on plastic surgery, the decree on avators, the decree on contracts, the decree on documents, the decree on video court link, and create a database on the Blockchain of people who have held leadership positions, appointments and jobs in public offices and international organizations with their start date and end date with comments attached and put an end to the security clearances they had while at office and change passwords and keys to doors whenever new people come into office on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

399.Activate all the sovereign decrees and extra decrees to do with affiliations, decrees to do with Shin Bet, decrees to do with foreign aid, decrees to do with metal detectors, decrees to do with water detectors, decrees to do with drainage, decrees to do with girls, decrees to do with relationships, decrees to do with touch, decrees to do with Duvdevan, decrees to do with Duvdevan cybercrime unit, decrees to do with Unit 8200, decrees to do with facial recognition, decrees to do with mining, decrees to do with sovereigns, decrees to do with international law, decrees to do with international humanitarian law, the decree to do with clones, the decree to do with avators, the decree to do with age, the decree to do with plastic surgery, decree to do with impersonation, the decree to do with beneficiary status, the decrees to do with Israel Police, decrees to do with Yamam, decrees to do with haptic sensors, decrees to do with sniffer dogs, decrees to do with smoke detectors, decrees to do with masks, the decree to do with execute function, the decree to do with real time GPS coordinates, the decree to do with siblings, the decree to do with offspring, the decree to do with parents, the decree to do with ownership, the decree to do with contracts, the decree to do with documents, the decree to do with property rights, the decree to do with lawyers, the decree to do with extortion, the decree to do with rockets, the decree to do with tunnels, the decree to do with detecting stolen funds, the decree to do with destroying terrorist infrastructure, the decree to do with screens, the decree to do with time, the decree to do with security detail, the decree to do with protocol, the decree to do with convoys, logic, decree 767, decree 845, decree to do with the speaker, the decree to do with calls on people's heads,the decree to do with international organizations, immigration, the decree to do with fingerprints, decrees to do with 100 % , the decree to do with satellites, the decree to do with geodata, the decree to do with timestamps, the decree to do with metadata, the decree to do with primary data, the decree to do with secondary data, the decree to do with crystalline diamond DNA, the decree to do with carbon DNA, the decree to do with deportation, the decree to do with extradition, the decree to do with compromise, the decree to do with hostility, and decree 916 activated in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities.

400.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on timestamps, the decrees on clones, the decrees on avators, the decree on plastic surgery, the decree on age, the decree on impersonators, the decree on masks, the decree on metadata, and the decrees on notes because these national symbols and seals quoted below are to be featured on the New Israeli Shekel notes and coins; "Seal of Elohim on planet Jupiter 5th pentacle and 4th pentacle, Seal of Elohim on the Sun 1st, 3rd and 7th pentacle, Seal of Elohim on Planet Saturn 5th and 7th pentacle, Seal of Elohim on the Moon 1st pentacle, Metatron Cube, Menorah, and the Merkabah. The engravings should be inscribed with 'Adonai YHWH Elohim is Sovereign over all Kingdoms on Earth', 'H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I], Bantu Hebrew, Kikuyu Asher Tribe of Israel, 5th King of Israel under the United Kingdom of New Israel,' 'A QUOTE from the Holy Book of King Davila Tehilim PSALM 91:13 "On a young Lion and a Cobra you will TREAD; you will TRAMPLE the young Lion and the Serpent." Dedicate the IDF, Mossad, Israel Air Force, Israel Navy and Israel Police on notes also on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

401. Any security threat from antisemitic terrorists premeditating a global holocaust using CBRN that occurs in Big Israel has the potential to harm Israelis in Small Israel therefore activate the decrees to do with the Placard, the decrees to do with CBRN, the decrees to do with bionic eyes, decrees to do with the visibility of the Israeli flag, decrees to do with the Israel Defense Forces Duvdevan Unit and IDF Duvdevan Cyber Crime Unit on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

402. Activate the decree to do with Diplomatic Police and the decree to do with Satellites, the decrees to do with ownership, the decree to do with affiliations, the decrees to do with logbooks and the decree to do with the convoy on loop in the present in all multidimensional units in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

403. Activate the decrees to do with primary data, the decree to do with the Blockchain, the decrees to do with timestamps, the decrees to do with metadata, the decrees to do with clones, the decrees to do with avators, the decree to do with plastic surgery, the decree to do with age, the decrees to do with digital I.Ds, the decrees to do with geodata, the decrees to do with contracts, the decrees to do with affiliations, the decrees to do with Israel Police, the decrees to do with documents, the decrees to do with stolen funds, the decrees to do with terrorist financing, the decrees to do with extortion on loop in the present in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

404.Activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on schools, the decree on proxies, the decree on networks, the decree on Israel Air Force, the decree on immigration, the decree on illegal immigrants. the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on age, the decree on highest education qualifications, and display every female with a nullified education credential and every female who has been expelled from school on screens on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

405.Activate the decrees on primary data, the decrees on the Blockchain, the decrees on Israel Tax Authority, the decrees on tax status, the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on digital passports, the decrees on sovereigns, the decrees on protocol, the decrees on immunity status, the decrees on number plates, the decrees on international organizations, the decrees on international law and the Vienna convention Treaty and initiate lawsuits on loop in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

406. Activate the decree to do with primary data, the decree on Blockchain, the decree to do with affiliations, the decree to do with tax payer status, the decree to do with immigration status, the decree to do with the digital I.D, the decree to do with real time GPS coordinates and display the GPS coordinates worldwide, the decree on CBRN, then display where people whose affiliations belong to terrorist organizations CBRN military grade energy directed weapons capabilities are being broadcasted from, prevent foreign CBRN from summoning any Israeli citizen anywhere or controlling anything underground, undersea, on land or on the Israeli air space and then activate the decree on defense mode, the decree on health services, decree 845, the decree to do with the Speaker, the decree to do with 100% , the decree to do with compromise, the decree to do with hostages, the decree to do with hostility, the decree to do with obstruction, the decree to do with shadow people, and then activate the decree to do with intrusion on loop in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

407.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on Blockchain, the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on networks, the decree on audio, the decree on defunct countries, the decree on maps, the decree on sovereigns, the decrees on international law, the decree on sky beam, the decree on sky shield, the decree on law societies, the decree on media stations and include YouTube, the decree on clones, the decree on air leaks, the decree on images, the decree on CBRN, the decree on 89th Oz Brigade, the decree on plastic surgery, the decree on age, the decree on masks, the decree on Treaty of Westphalia, the decree on auctioning on loop in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

408. Activate OCR readers on newspapers and then activate the decree on primary data, the decree on Blockchain, the decree on defunct countries, the decree on maps, the decree on law societies, the decree on clones, the decree on age, the decree on timestamps, the decree on metadata, the decree on sovereigns, the decree on international law, the decree on sky beam, the decree on sky shield, the decree on 89th Oz Brigade, the decree on air leaks, the decree on images, the decree on CBRN, the decree on plastic surgery, the decree on age, the decree on masks, the decree on Treaty of Westphalia, the decree on auctioning on loop in all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

409. Display all popular cryptocurrency, metaverse and NFT websites and activate the decree on primary data, the decree on Blockchain, the decree on emails, the decree on red notices, the decree on Yamam, the decree on Duvdevan Cybercrime Unit, the decree on contracts, the decree on documents, the decree on digital assets, the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on networks, the decree to do with per second, the decree on stolen funds, and the decree on lawsuits on loop on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

410.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on websites, the decree on CBRN, the decree on impersonators, the decree on logic and share all posts H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I [H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I] posts on with Mossad, Shin Bet, International Organisations, and Knesset on loop on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

411.Activate OCR readers and thermal cameras and then activate the decree on primary data, the decree on timestamps, the decree on metadata, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on notes, the decree on geodata, the decree on CCTV , the decrees on satellites, the decree on affiliations, the decree on networks, the decree on proxies, the decrees on Israel Police, the decrees on red notices, the decree on stolen funds and trace the serial numbers of all Israeli notes that have been stolen by terrorists and cancel them and reprint new ones and upgrade security at Bank of Israel and the Israeli Treasury cash safes on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

412.Renovate the all grounds, floors and fields in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and activate the decree on affiliations, the decree on conspirators, the decree on the Iron Dome and then summon IDF Ground Forces on anybody who is thinking of lodging attacks on Israeli soil on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities.

413.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on Merkava tanks, the decree on bombs and the decree on 89th Oz Brigade, the decree on Paratroopers in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel apart from New Jerusalem on all multidimensional units and densities on loop in the present.

414.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the sovereign and extra decrees on maps, the decrees on international organizations, the decrees on borders, the decrees on immigrants, the decree on border police, the decree on deportation and upgrade the borders of the United Kingdom of New Israel in Big Israel and Small Israel and the fema camp north of Big Israel with electric fence walls with spikes on both sides of the border wall and then dig wide trenches with spikes and thorns on all multidimensional units and densities on loop in the present.

415.Activate onvego systems, the decree on primary data, the decrees to do eith Tevel, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on networks, the decree on name calling and shoot at the neck of the terrorist that people report is "getting poor" and is attacking the public; shoot at the decree terrorist together with their whole network and proxy on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

416.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on laws, the decrees on stamps, the decree on the bionic eye, the decree on uniforms, the decree on ethnicity, the decree on religion, the decree on the Knesset speaker, the decree on security clearance, the decree on geodata, the decree on audio, the decree on Yamam, the decree on terrorist paraphernalia, the decree on CBRN, the decree on avators, the decree on clones, the decree on masks, the decree on citizenship, the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on stamps, the decree on immunity status, the decree on physical bodies, the decree on occupation, the decree on plastic surgery, the decree on age, the decree on names, the decree on affiliations, the decree on networks, the decree on proxies, the decrees on Israel Air Force, the decrees on IDF Caesarea, extra decree 845, the decree on detecting DNA and then use the same methodology in detecting DNA for detecting bacterial count, virus count, water poisoning, chemical poisoning and gaseous poisoning on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

417.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on affiliations, the decree on avators, the decree on clones, the decree on age, the decree on masks, the decree on protecting the public, the decree on haptic sensors, the decree on DNA, the decree on chemical poisoning, the decree on terrorist paraphernalia and then activate the decree on olive oil when terrorist paraphernalia is discovered to have been applied on members of the public and their bodies both inside and outside their bodies on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

418.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on the placard, the decree on names, the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on networks, the decree on occupation, the decree on CCTV, the decree on geodata, the decree on satellites, the decree on drones, the decree on avators, the decree on age, the decree on clones, the decree on masks, the decree on plastic surgery, the decree on compromise, the decree on leadership positions, the decree on citizenship, the decree on Treaty of Westphalia, the decrees on international law, the decree on marital status, the decree on siblings, the decree on offspring, the decree on sponsoring attacks, the decree on terrorist financing, the decree on sanctions, the decrees on maps, the decree on rape counts, the decree on kill counts, the decree on hospitals destroyed, the decree on schools destroyed, the decree on immunity status, the decrees on personal dashboard, the decree on the freeze, the decree on ICC, the decree on information sharing, the decree on perjury, the decree on Israel Police, the decree on Yamam, the decrees on IDF Duvdevan, the decrees on IDF Caesarea, the decrees on IDF Refaim, the decree to do with race, the decrees on sovereigns, the decree on health services, the decree on the kick, the decree on red notices then share with ICC and then activate the decree on ICJ and the decree on information sharing and share with ICJ the violations to the Treaty of Westphalia by these individuals and then share the results of the verdict and their offences with Human Resources, Media Stations, Banking Associations Worldwide, Mossad, Israel Judicial Authority, Ministry of Defence Israel, Ministry of Interior Israel, Knesset members, all Israeli civil servants, Ministry of National Security Israel, National Security Council Israel, Israel Police, and Israel Prison Service via their personal dashboard and fax on loop in the present and on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

419.All physical shops, online shops, small, mid size and big businesses and are to be required by this extra sovereign decree to accept crypto via QR codes of wallet addresses and bank payments from this month of January 17,025 henceforth so activate the decree on primary data, the decree on Blockchain, the decree on crypto addresses the decrees on websites, the decrees on emails, the decrees on websites, the decrees on stolen funds, the decrees on extortion, the decrees on stolen items, the decrees on proxies, the decrees on maps, the decree on terrorist financing, the decree on avators, the decrees on facial recognition, the decrees on , the decree on websites, the decrees on security clearance, the decrees on video court link, the decrees on international organizations, the decree on with on always , the decrees on Duvdevan Cybercrime Unit, the decrees on Unit 8200, the decree to do with impersonators, the decrees to do with names, the decree to do with masks, the decrees on clones, the decree on geodata, the decree on affiliations, the decree on stolen items, the decree on stolen funds, the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on pleaidian technology, the decrees on assassination, the decree on sexual harassment, the decrees on the pineal gland, the decrees on CBRN, the decree on light bodies, the decrees on Israel Tax Authority, the decree on licenses, the decree on ownership, the decree on beneficiaries, the decree on shadow people, the decree on intrusion, the decree on obstruction, the decree on the freeze, the decree on fingerprints, the decrees on satellites, the decrees on New Israel $hilling, the decrees on the Shekel, the decrees on pleaidian technology, the decree on timestamps, the decree on metadata, the decree on banking associations, the decree on prostitution, the decree on memory book, the decree on akashik records, the decrees on Israel Police Motherships, the decrees on Israel Police Starships, the decrees on protecting the public for the specific task on shopping and the shop owners themselves, the decree on debts, the decree on lawyers, the decree on transcripts, the decree on immunity status, the decree on terrorist financing, the decree on protecting the public, the decree on execute function and create a database of every good and service that's sold on all shops physical and online, markets, supermarkets, shopping malls and public transport in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on all multidimensional units and densities on loop in the present together with decree 44.

420.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decrees on onvego, the decrees on affiliation, the decree on secondary data, the decree on audio, the decree on images, the decree on impersonators, the decrees on maps, the decree on law societies, the decrees on the Iron Dome, the decrees on IDF Caesarea, the decrees on IDF Refaim, the decrees on IDF Ground Forces, the extra sovereign decree on decree 845, the decrees on air laura and the decree on CBRN and then scan Big Israel and Small Israel underground, land and skies for audios, images and videos from foreign CBRN and neutralise them on loop in the present in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in Big Israel and Small Israel on all multidimensional units and densities.

421.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on audio, the decrees on maps, the decree on law societies and the decree on CBRN, the decrees on borders, the decree on arrow systems, the decree on air laura, the decree on border police, the decree on immigrants, the decree on names, the decree on affiliation, the decree on age, the decree on masks, the decree on clones, the decree on plastic surgery, the decree on age, the decree on digital passports, the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on visas, the decree on deportation on and then use air laura and arrow systems to secure the boundaries of Big Israel and Small Israel on loop in the present in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on all multidimensional units and densities.

422.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the voice extra sovereign decree on ear plugs and then activate 741 hz in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on all multidimensional units and densities on loop in the present.

423.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decrees to do with the Knesset speaker, the decrees to do with GMT +2, the decrees to do with physical soldiers, the decrees to do with H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I real time GPS coordinates, the decrees to do with geodata, the decrees to do with laws, the decreee to do with pleaidian technology, the decrees to do with Star of David, the decrees to do with maps and then send a notification via the pleaidian technology and voice notes to all IDF, Israel Police, Mossad, Israel Navy (Helicopter), Shin Bet, Israel Air Force that H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I (H.M King Fredrick Gakuru Muchoki I / Fredrik Zion His Majesty) will buy anything; a new porche, a new Cadillac, a big company's 100% shares that's already profitable and linked to their career and Israeli national security and is already operating e.g Boeing Airbus for an Israel Air Force pilot officer etc, a new iphone, a new Range Rover, pay scholarship fees for them and their children, a vacation trip, a new mansion or whatever they want to the first of any of the units on all forces and security personnel mentioned above that arrive first to New Jerusalem, in Buruburu phase 3 , reshov bumbani road, house 283 and meet first with the Fredrik Zion His Majesty (Bantu Hebrew, Kikuyu Asher Tribe of Israel) and get assigned for specific security roles such as physical personal pilot, physical security detail, physical convoy police chase cars, the 3rd dimension and 5th density on loop in the present.

424.Activate the decree on video court link, the decree on ICC and the decree on ICJ together with the decree on the freeze, the decree on shadow people, the decree on intrusion, the decree obstruction on loop on all multidimensional units and densities in Big Israel and Small Israel and the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

425.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on websites, the decree on emails, the decree on contracts, the decree on documents, the decree on transcripts, the decree on CBRN, the extra sovereign decree on 845 and prevent DDoS attacks on websites, smart phones, laptops, computers, self driving cars, power plant systems, nuclear systems, car systems, aeroplanes, ships, satellites, electric bikes, company systems, softwares, mobile apps, organisational systems, computer systems, Motherships, Starships and devices held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust on all multidimensional units and densities on loop in the present in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel together with decree 44.

426.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on security clearance, the decree on geodata, the decree on DDoS attacks, the decree on affiliations, the decree on documents, the decree on contracts, the decree on emails, the decree on I.P addresses, the decree on obstruction, the decree on intrusion, and the decree on shadow people on all money transfer transactions by sovereign entities, bank accounts, crypto accounts, government organisations and companies held by H.M King Fredrik Zion Trust and KF Law (King Fredrik Law) on loop on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel and worldwide.

427.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on age, the decree on clones, the decree on affiliations, the decree on avators, the decree on graffiti, the decree on proxies, the decree on names, the decree on unsolicited blowjobs, the decree on sexual harassment, the decree on fellatio, the decree on lesbians, the decree on beds, the decree on the gay man, the decree on metatron cube, the decree on protecting the public on loop on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

428.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on video court link, the decree on the Occurrence Book every time any decree with the decree on video court link is actived then activate the decree on occupation, the decree on names, the decree on age, the decree on clones, the decree on masks, the decree on plastic surgery, the decree on immunity status, the decree on race and the decree on international organizations on loop on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

429.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on hostages, the decree on intrusion , the decree on obstruction, the decree on shadow people, the decree on health services, the decree on ajudaica perfumes, the decree on olive oil, the decree on avators, the decree on clones, the decree on masks, the decree on CBRN, the decree on rockets, the decree on the kick, the decree on defense mode, the decree on affiliations, the decree on proxies, the decree on real time GPS coordinates, the decree on physical bodies, the decree on light bodies and then locate where the physical bodies are and send IDF Caesarea to save the hostages and publish on all media stations on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

430.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on compromise, the decree on occupation, the decree on citizenship, the decree on race, the decree on names, the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on age, the decree on lawyers, the decree on perjury, the decree on avators, the decree on masks, the decree on clones, the decree on property rights, the decree on vandals, the decree on plastic surgery, the decree on international courts, and the decree on protecting the public on judges, judicial officers, court officers and judicial and court property whenever court proceedings are taking place whether online or offline on all multidimensional units and densities on loop in the present in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel.

431.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on avators, the decree on names, the decree on age, the decree on facial recognition and then activate the decree on affiliations on images and videos in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities.

432.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on property rights, the decree on lawsuits on people stealing and using bionic eyes in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on loop in the present on all multidimensional units and densities.

433.Activate the decree on protecting the public, and then activate lawsuits from groping, unsolicited touch, damaging the pineal gland, sexual harassment, people seating on people's laps without consent,  entering people's bodies, and entering people's beds and then activate the decree on the spinning tap on the offenders on loop in the present in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel on all multidimensional units and densities.

434.Israel police should crack down on foreigners working without work permits in Big Israel and Small Israel, activate the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on digital passports, the decree on immigration status, the decree on affiliations, the decree on geodata, the decree on CCTV, the decree on health services, the decree on stolen items, the decree on immunity status, the decree on sexual harassment, the decree on shadow people, the decree on obstruction, the decree on intrusion, the decree on laws, the decree on cables, the decrees on marijuana, the decree on alcohol, the decree on DDoS attacks, the decree on websites, the decree on race, the decree on uniforms, the decree on people who have been compromised, the decree on licenses, the decree on clones, the decree on vandalism, the decree on property rights, the decree on plastic surgery, the decree on avators, the decree on masks, the decree on citizenship, the decree on weapons, the decree on stockpiles, the decree on the kick and the decree on patrols in the whole United Kingdom of New Israel in the present on loop on all multidimensional units and densities.

435.Activate the decree on primary data, the decree on the Blockchain, the decree on affiliation, the decree on proxies, the decree on networks, the extra decree on people seated with H.M King Fredrik Zion Asher I, the decrees on sovereigns, the decrees on defense mode, the decree on the kick, the decree on political status, the decree on health services, the decree on firing back, the extra sovereign decree on sovereign decree 845, the extra decree on occupation, the decrees on avators, the decrees on clones, the decrees on ajudaica perfumes, the decree on crystal diamond DNA, the decree on citizenship, the decrees on the pineal gland, the decree on people mentioning governor, the decrees on contracts, the decree on olive oil, the decrees on documents, the decree on offspring, the decree on weapons, the decree on immunity status, the decree on security clearance, the decrees on maps, the decrees on sexual harassment, the decrees on physical bodies, the decrees on the bionic eyes, the decree on the lens, sovereign decree 608, the decree on marital status, the decree on relationships, the decrees on girls, the decree on the affidavit, the decree on digital I.Ds, the decree on diplomatic police, the decree on siblings, the decree on parents, the sovereign decree on laws, the decrees on defunct countries, the decree on Sayeret Nahal Motherships, the decrees on Sayeret Nahal Starships, the decree on ethnicity, the decree on stolen items, the decree on stolen funds, the decree on bombs, the decree on Merkava tanks, the decree on clothing, the decree on age, the decree on masks, the decree on uniforms, the distance decree, the on plastic surgery, the decree on protecting the public, the decree on logbooks, the decree on geodata, the decree on CCTV, the decrees on satellites, the extra voice sovereign decree on people who do not want to take instructions from people affiliated to terrorist organisations and the leaders of such terrorist organisations regardless of their current affiliation, the decree on logbooks, the decree on licenses, the decree on carjacking and locate all carjacked vehicles in Big Israel and Small Israel on loop in the present.

United Kingdom of New Israel Maps updated 17,025 GMT +2 DLS GMT +3

The 1648 BCE Map of Old Israel was deposited with the UNSC in February 2024 after the map of the United Kingdom of New Israel. T...

